Смотреть что такое "teleeducation" в других словарях:
History of virtual learning environments 1990s — In the history of virtual learning environments, the 1990s was a time of growth, primarily due to advent of the affordable computer and of the Internet.1990s1990* Formal Systems Inc. of Princeton, NJ, USA introduces a DOS based Assessment… … Wikipedia
Higher education in New Brunswick — (also referred to as postsecondary education) refers to education provided by higher education institutions in the Canadian province of New Brunswick. Higher education has a rich history in New Brunswick, including the first English speaking… … Wikipedia
Microgravity Center — The Microgravity Centre (Centro de Microgravidade)[1] at PUCRS university, Porto Alegre, Brazil was first created as a laboratory in 1999[2] by Professor Thais Russomano MD MSc PhD, as the first academic and research establishment dedicated to… … Wikipedia
телеобучение — Интерактивный вид услуг удаленного обучения, при котором используются асимметричные каналы связи. По низкоскоростному каналу передаются запросы, а по высокоскоростной линии предоставляются затребованные материалы. [Л.М. Невдяев.… … Справочник технического переводчика