telecommunication channel

telecommunication channel
канал связи;
канал телефонной связи

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "telecommunication channel" в других словарях:

  • Channel reliability — In telecommunication, channel reliability (ChR) is the percentage of time a channel was available for use in a specified period of scheduled availability. Channel reliability is given by where T o is the channel total outage time, T s is the… …   Wikipedia

  • telecommunication — [tel΄ə kə myo͞o΄ni kā′shən] n. [also pl., with sing. or pl. v.] communication by electronic or electric means, as through radio, telephone, telegraph, television, or computers * * * tel·e·com·mu·ni·ca·tion (tĕlʹĭ kə myo͞o nĭ kāʹshən) n. 1. The… …   Universalium

  • Channel-link — (C Link) by National Semiconductor is a high speed interface for cost effectively transferring data at rates from 250 megabits/second to 6.4 gigabits/second over backplanes or cables. National Semiconductor introduced the first Channel Link… …   Wikipedia

  • Channel use — is a quantity used in signal processing or telecommunication related to symbol rate and channel capacity. Capacity is measured in bits per input symbol into the channel (bits per channel use). If a symbol enters the channel every Ts seconds (for… …   Wikipedia

  • Channel Associated Signaling — (CAS), also known as per trunk signaling (PTS), is a form of digital communication signaling. As with most telecommunication signaling methods, it uses routing information to direct the payload of voice or data to its destination. With CAS… …   Wikipedia

  • Channel Division Multiple Access (ChDMA) — is a simple multiple access scheme developed for low duty cycle UWB networks. The idea lies in the fact that different users have different channel impulse response (CSI) and the signal at the receiver can be rebuilt based on this information.… …   Wikipedia

  • Telecommunication — A parabolic satellite communication antenna at the biggest facility for satellite communication in Raisting, Bavaria, Germany …   Wikipedia

  • Channel (communications) — Old telephone wires are a challenging communications channel for modern digital communications. In telecommunications and computer networking, a communication channel, or channel, refers either to a physical transmission medium such as a wire, or …   Wikipedia

  • Channel capacity — In electrical engineering, computer science and information theory, channel capacity is the tightest upper bound on the amount of information that can be reliably transmitted over a communications channel. By the noisy channel coding theorem, the …   Wikipedia

  • Channel access method — In telecommunications and computer networks, a channel access method or multiple access method allows several terminals connected to the same multi point transmission medium to transmit over it and to share its capacity. Examples of shared… …   Wikipedia

  • Channel Partners Conference & Expo — The Channel Partners Conference Expo is a networking and educational event in the United States for indirect sales channels in the communications industry. More than 100 exhibitors use the twice a year forum to forge alliances with solutions… …   Wikipedia

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