- tektite
- спец. тектит (маленький стеклообразный шарик метеоритного происхождения) (специальное) тектит (маленький стеклообразный шарик метеоритного происхождения)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Tektite — [zu griechisch tēktós »geschmolzen«, »schmelzbar«], Singular Tektit der, s, früher auch Glasmeteorite genannt, kleine, natürliche, flaschengrüne oder braune bis schwarze Glaskörper von unregelmäßiger Form (kugelig, knopf , hantel , tropfen ,… … Universal-Lexikon
Tektīte — (Glasmeteorite), glasig erstarrte Meteorsteine (s. d., S. 706) … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
tektite — (n.) small roundish glass bodies, probably of meteoric origin, 1909, from Ger. tektit (1900), from Gk. tektos molten, from tekein to melt … Etymology dictionary
tektite — ☆ tektite [tek′tīt΄ ] n. [< Gr tēktos, molten (< tēkein, to melt < IE base * tā > THAW) + ITE1] any of certain small, yellowish green to black glassy bodies of various shapes, found in isolated locations around the world and thought… … English World dictionary
Tektite — Tektites (from Greek tektos , molten) are natural glass objects up to a few centimeters in size, which most scientists argue were formed by the impact of large meteorites on Earth s surface. Tektites are typically black or olive green, and their… … Wikipedia
Tektite — Schwarzer Tektit Moldavit … Deutsch Wikipedia
tektite — /tek tuyt/, n. Geol. any of several kinds of small glassy bodies, in various forms, occurring in Australia and elsewhere, now believed to have been produced by the impact of meteorites on the earth s surface. [1920 25; < Gk tekt(ós) molten +… … Universalium
tektite — ⇒TECTITE, TEKTITE, subst. fém. MINÉR. Verre siliceux naturel, de couleur foncée (noir, vert, brun) brillante, riche en alumine et potasse, se rencontrant dans certaines régions du monde (Moldavie, Chine, Sénégal, Madagascar...) sous la forme de… … Encyclopédie Universelle
tektite — tektitas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Mažas, apvalus, stikliškas kūnas, randamas meteoritų kritimo vietoje. atitikmenys: angl. tektite rus. тектит … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Tektite habitat — The Tektite Habitat was placed in Great Lameshur Bay, St. John, Virgin Islands in 1969 and again in 1970.cite journal |author=Clifton HE, Mahnken CV, Van Derwalker JC, Waller RA |title=Tektite 1, man in the sea project: marine science program… … Wikipedia
tektite — noun Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary, from Greek tēktos molten, from tēkein to melt more at thaw Date: 1909 a glassy body of probably meteoritic origin and of rounded but indefinite shape • tektitic adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary