teem down

teem down
лить (о дожде) The rain is still teeming down, but I can't wait any longer to go out. ≈ Все еще льет дождь, но я больше не могу ждать, мне нужно идти.

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "teem down" в других словарях:

  • teem — [ti:m] v teem down phr v [: Old English; Origin: timan, tAman] to rain very heavily ▪ It s been teeming down all day. teem with / [teem with sb/sth] phr v 1.) to be very full of people or animals, all moving about ▪ The island was teeming with… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • teem — UK [tiːm] / US [tɪm] verb [intransitive, often progressive] Word forms teem : present tense I/you/we/they teem he/she/it teems present participle teeming past tense teemed past participle teemed teem or teem down if it is teeming or teeming down …   English dictionary

  • teem — also teem down verb (I) BrE to rain very heavily: It s been teeming down all day. teem with sth phrasal verb (transitive not in passive) to be full of people, animals etc: be teeming with: Times Square was teeming with theater goers …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • teem — [ tim ] verb intransitive often progressive if it is teeming or teeming down, a lot of rain is falling teem with phrasal verb transitive teem with someone/something to contain an extremely large number of people, animals, or objects that are all… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • teem — Ⅰ. teem [1] ► VERB (teem with) ▪ be full of or swarming with. ORIGIN Old English, «give birth to» or «be or become pregnant»; related to TEAM(Cf. ↑team). Ⅱ. teem [2] …   English terms dictionary

  • teem — teem1 verb (teem with) be full of or swarming with. Derivatives teeming adjective Origin OE tēman, tīeman, in senses give birth to and be or become pregnant : of Gmc origin. teem2 verb (especially of rain) pour down; fall heavily. Origin ME: from …   English new terms dictionary

  • teem — 1. v.intr. 1 be abundant (fish teem in these waters). 2 (foll. by with) be full of or swarming with (teeming with fish; teeming with ideas). Etymology: OE teman etc. give birth to f. Gmc, rel. to TEAM 2. v.intr. (often foll. by down) (of water… …   Useful english dictionary

  • lash down — verb a) To secure with ropes; to tie down Im feeling so alive, feeling so real b) To rain heavily. On a stormy night, the rain is coming down Syn: tie down …   Wiktionary

  • pour down — verb To rain heavily. A torrential rain poured down from the floodgates of the angry heavens upon the bared heads of the assembled multitude which numbered at the lowest computation five hundred thousand persons. Syn: bucket down, chuck it down,… …   Wiktionary

  • whip down — verb To rain heavily. Syn: bucket down, chuck it down, lash down, pelt, pelt down, piss down, pour, pour down, rain cats and dogs …   Wiktionary

  • pelt down — verb To rain heavily. Syn: bucket down, chuck it down, lash down, pelt, piss down, pour, pour down, rain cats and dogs, stream …   Wiktionary

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