teddy boy

teddy boy
ˈtedɪˈbɔɪ разг. пижон (одевающийся в костюмы, которые были модны в Англии в начале ХХ в.) (несовременное) пижон, стиляга

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "teddy boy" в других словарях:

  • Teddy Boy — Teddy Boys  Cet article concerne la sous culture rock n roll. Pour le jeu vidéo, voir Teddy Boy (jeu vidéo). Le mouvement des Teddy Boys est une sous culture du rock n roll britannique des années 1950 incarnée par de jeunes hommes (les Teddy …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Teddy boy — Teddy Boys  Cet article concerne la sous culture rock n roll. Pour le jeu vidéo, voir Teddy Boy (jeu vidéo). Le mouvement des Teddy Boys est une sous culture du rock n roll britannique des années 1950 incarnée par de jeunes hommes (les Teddy …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Teddy Boy — Teddy Boys, Teds, oder auch Cosh Boys genannt, sind ursprünglich eine jugendliche Protestbewegung, die sich erstmals Anfang der 1950er Jahre in England entwickelte. Neu an der Teddy Boy Bewegung war, dass sie sich bewusst nicht als Subkultur… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • teddy boy — / tɛdI bɔI/, it. / tɛd:i bɔi/ locuz. ingl. [da Teddy, dim. di Edward Edoardo , e boy ragazzo ], usata in ital. come s.m. (soc.) [persona che compie atti di vandalismo o violenza] ▶◀ giovinastro, hooligan, teppista …   Enciclopedia Italiana

  • teddy boy — /teddiˈbɔi, ingl. ˈtɛdɪˌbɔɪ/ [loc. ingl., «ragazzo (boy) vestito alla moda del regno di Edoardo VII (Edward, e per vezz. Teddy)»] loc. sost. m. inv. teppista □ giovinastro, ragazzaccio, discolo …   Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione

  • Teddy boy — Teddy boys N COUNT A Teddy boy is a man who dresses in a style that became popular in the 1950 s. Teddy boys were associated with early rock and roll music, and often regarded as bad or violent. [BRIT] …   English dictionary

  • Teddy boy — n. [< Teddy, nickname for EDWARD1] 1. a British youth of the 1950s or early 1960s who affected flashy dress, esp. of a neo Edwardian style 2. [Brit. Informal] any rough or delinquent youth …   English World dictionary

  • teddy boy — n a member of a group of young men in Britain in the 1950s who had their own special style of clothes and music …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Teddy boy — Teddy ,boy noun count a young man in the U.K. in the 1950s who dressed in narrow pants, a long loose jacket, and pointed shoes and liked ROCK AND ROLL music …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Teddy Boy — The British Teddy Boy subculture is typified by young men wearing clothes inspired by the styles of the Edwardian period, which Savile Row tailors had tried to re introduce after World War II. The group got its name after a 1953 newspaper… …   Wikipedia

  • Teddy boy — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms Teddy boy : singular Teddy boy plural Teddy boys a young man in the UK in the 1950s who dressed in narrow trousers, a long loose jacket, and pointed shoes and liked rock and roll music …   English dictionary

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