tectonic structure

tectonic structure
тектоническая структура

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "tectonic structure" в других словарях:

  • tectonic — ► ADJECTIVE 1) Geology of or relating to the structure of the earth s crust and the large scale processes which take place within it. 2) of or relating to building or construction. DERIVATIVES tectonically adverb. ORIGIN Greek tektonikos, from… …   English terms dictionary

  • tectonic — [tek tän′ik] adj. [LL tectonicus < Gr tektonikos < tektōn, carpenter, builder: see TECHNIC] 1. of or having to do with building; constructional 2. architectural 3. designating, of, or pertaining to changes in the structure of the earth s… …   English World dictionary

  • tectonic basins and rift valleys — ▪ landform Introduction       landforms characterized by relatively steep, mountainous sides and flat floors. The steep sides are created by displacement on faults such that the valley floor moves down relative to the surrounding margins, or,… …   Universalium

  • tectonic landform — ▪ geology       any of the relief features that are produced chiefly by uplift or subsidence of the Earth s crust or by upward magmatic movements. They include mountains, plateaus, and rift valleys.       Whereas erosion shapes landforms, their… …   Universalium

  • Tectonic Theater Project — With Moisés Kaufman at the helm, the Tectonic Theater Project explores the ways in which experimentation with form and structure can inform theme in contemporary drama.Perhaps most widely known for The Laramie Project , a piece which examines the …   Wikipedia

  • tectonic — [[t]tektɒ̱nɪk[/t]] ADJ: ADJ n Tectonic means relating to the structure of the earth s surface or crust. [TECHNICAL] ...the tectonic plates of the Pacific region which are separating from the East Pacific Ridge …   English dictionary

  • Structure of the Earth — Earth cutaway from core to exosphere. Left picture is not to scale. The interior structure of the Earth, similar to the outer, is layered. These layers can be defined by either their chemical or their rheological properties. The Earth has an… …   Wikipedia

  • tectonic — tectonically, adv. /tek ton ik/, adj. 1. of or pertaining to building or construction; constructive; architectural. 2. Geol. a. pertaining to the structure of the earth s crust. b. referring to the forces or conditions within the earth that cause …   Universalium

  • tectonic — Relating to variations in structure in the eye, particularly the cornea. [G. tektonikos, relating to building] * * * tec·ton·ic (tek tonґik) [Gr. tektonikos skilled in building] pertaining to construction; used in denoting the mechanics… …   Medical dictionary

  • tectonic — /tɛkˈtɒnɪk / (say tek tonik) adjective 1. relating to building or construction; constructive; architectural. 2. Geology a. relating to the structure of the earth s crust. b. relating to the forces or conditions within the earth that cause… …  

  • tectonic — tec|ton|ic [ tek tanık ] adjective TECHNICAL relating to the structure and movement of the surface of the earth …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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