tectonic block
Смотреть что такое "tectonic block" в других словарях:
tectonic basins and rift valleys — ▪ landform Introduction landforms characterized by relatively steep, mountainous sides and flat floors. The steep sides are created by displacement on faults such that the valley floor moves down relative to the surrounding margins, or,… … Universalium
tectonic landform — ▪ geology any of the relief features that are produced chiefly by uplift or subsidence of the Earth s crust or by upward magmatic movements. They include mountains, plateaus, and rift valleys. Whereas erosion shapes landforms, their… … Universalium
tectonic cave — A cave formed by some form of ground movement. The most common is due to landsliding in a jointed rock, leaving an open fissure cave parallel to the line of the hillside along the back of the slipped block. Tectonic caves can form in any rock … Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology
Musgrave Block — The Musgrave Block is an east west trending belt of Proterozoic granulite gneiss basement rocks approximately 500km long. The Musgrave Block extends from western South Australia into Western Australia. The Musgrave Block is primarily exposed… … Wikipedia
Fault-block mountain — Fault block or fault mountains are produced when normal ( near vertical ) faults fracture a section of continental crust. Vertical motion of the resulting blocks, sometimes accompanied by tilting, can then lead to high escarpments. These… … Wikipedia
fault block — A displaced crustal unit, formed during block faulting, that is bounded by faults, either completely or in part, and behaves as a coherent unit during tectonic activity. SW & GG … Glossary of landform and geologic terms
Colorado Plateau — A map of the Colorado Plateau. The … Wikipedia
Geology of the Australian Capital Territory — Australia grew around three fused pieces of very ancient continental crust (cratons). The geology of the Australian Capital Territory includes rocks dating from the Ordovician around 480 million years ago, whilst most rocks are from the Silurian … Wikipedia
Coldwater Sandstone — Stratigraphic range: Middle and upper Eocene Coldwater Sandstone, Santa Ynez Mountains, north of Santa Barbara, California Type sedimentary … Wikipedia
Cozy Dell Shale — Stratigraphic range: Eocene Weathered outcrop of the Cozy Dell Shale, with talus slope, in the Santa Ynez Mountains, California. Type sedimentary … Wikipedia
Celebes Sea — an arm of the Pacific Ocean, N of Sulawesi and S of the Philippines. * * * Part of the western Pacific Ocean. It is bordered by the Sulu Archipelago, Mindanao, the Sangihe Islands, Celebes, and Borneo. It extends 420 mi (675 km) north south and… … Universalium