technical knockout

technical knockout
(спортивное) технический нокаут, прекращение боя ввиду явного преимущества соперника (в боксе)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "technical knockout" в других словарях:

  • technical knockout — ► NOUN Boxing ▪ the ending of a fight by the referee on the grounds of a contestant s inability to continue, the opponent being declared the winner …   English terms dictionary

  • technical knockout — n. Boxing a victory won when the opponent, though not knocked out, is so badly hurt that the referee stops the match …   English World dictionary

  • technical knockout — noun a knockout declared by the referee who judges one boxer unable to continue • Syn: ↑TKO • Hypernyms: ↑knockout, ↑KO, ↑kayo * * * noun, pl ⋯ outs : an occurrence in which a fighter wins a boxing match when an opponent is unable to continue to… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Technical Knockout (TV series) — Technical Knockout (or abbreviated as TKO) is a Canadian television series hosted by Carey Roberts and Su Ling Goh who present the latest in technology. TKO was produced by Calgary based Pyramid Productions.External links*… …   Wikipedia

  • technical knockout — noun (sports) A knockout declared by a referee in cases where a participant is sufficiently injured, unbalanced, or confused and unable to continue the fight; …   Wiktionary

  • technical knockout — /ˌtɛknɪkəl ˈnɒkaʊt/ (say .teknikuhl nokowt) noun the decision of the referee of a boxing contest to award the victory to one contestant as though a knockout had been delivered, because the other contestant is in the estimation of the referee not… …  

  • technical knockout — noun Date: 1921 the termination of a boxing match when a boxer is unable or is declared by the referee to be unable (as because of injuries) to continue the fight called also TKO …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • technical knockout — Boxing. the termination of a bout by the referee when it is the judgment of the attending physician, a boxer s seconds, or the referee that a boxer cannot continue fighting without sustaining severe or disabling injury. Abbr.: TKO, T.K.O. [1945… …   Universalium

  • technical knockout — noun Boxing the ending of a fight by the referee on the grounds of a contestant s inability to continue, the opponent being declared the winner …   English new terms dictionary

  • technical knockout — tech′nical knock′out n. spo the termination of a boxing bout by officials when the losing boxer s safety or health is deemed to be at risk Abbr.: TKOT.K.O. • Etymology: 1945–50 …   From formal English to slang

  • knockout — [näk′out΄] adj. that knocks out: said of a blow, etc. n. 1. a knocking out or being knocked out 2. a) a blow that knocks out b) Boxing a victory won when the opponent is knocked out: cf. TECHNICAL KNOCKOUT ☆ 3. Slang a very attractive or striking …   English World dictionary

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