

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "teaspoonfuls" в других словарях:

  • Teaspoonfuls — Teaspoonful Tea spoon ful (t[=e] sp[=oo]n f[.u]l), n.; pl. {Teaspoonfuls} (t[=e] sp[=oo]n f[.u]lz) or {Teaspoonsful}. As much as teaspoon will hold; enough to fill a teaspoon. In cooking, it is usually estimated as 4.9 milliliters, which is 1/6… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • teaspoonfuls — tɪːspuːn‚fÊŠl n. contents of a teaspoon …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Tea culture — is defined by the way tea is made and consumed, by the way the people interact with tea, and by the aesthetics surrounding tea drinking.Tea is commonly drunk at social events, and many cultures have created intricate formal ceremonies for these… …   Wikipedia

  • Teaspoonful — Tea spoon ful (t[=e] sp[=oo]n f[.u]l), n.; pl. {Teaspoonfuls} (t[=e] sp[=oo]n f[.u]lz) or {Teaspoonsful}. As much as teaspoon will hold; enough to fill a teaspoon. In cooking, it is usually estimated as 4.9 milliliters, which is 1/6 of a fluid… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Teaspoonsful — Teaspoonful Tea spoon ful (t[=e] sp[=oo]n f[.u]l), n.; pl. {Teaspoonfuls} (t[=e] sp[=oo]n f[.u]lz) or {Teaspoonsful}. As much as teaspoon will hold; enough to fill a teaspoon. In cooking, it is usually estimated as 4.9 milliliters, which is 1/6… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • teaspoonful — noun (plural teaspoonfuls; also teaspoonsful) Date: 1731 1. as much as a teaspoon can hold 2. teaspoon 2 …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Fecal occult blood — Classification and external resources Cards and bottle used for the Hemoccult test, a type of stool guaiac test. ICD 10 R …   Wikipedia

  • Guinness Yeast Extract — Guinness Yeast Extract, commonly known by its initials GYE, was an Irish savoury spread, made from yeast extract. It was a by product of the Guinness beer brewing process and produced by Arthur Guinness Son Co., Dublin. The production of GYE was… …   Wikipedia

  • Coffee preparation — For the agricultural and industrial processes for producing whole coffee beans, see Coffee processing. Coffee preparation is the process of turning coffee beans into a beverage. While the particular steps needed vary with the type of coffee… …   Wikipedia

  • Egyptian cuisine — Life in Egypt Culture Cuisine …   Wikipedia

  • -ful — a suffix meaning full of, characterized by (shameful; beautiful; careful; thoughtful); tending to, able to (wakeful; harmful); as much as will fill (spoonful). [ME, OE full, ful, repr. full, ful FULL1] Usage. The plurals of nouns ending in FUL… …   Universalium

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