team work
Смотреть что такое "team work" в других словарях:
team|work — «TEEM WURK», noun. 1. the acting together of a number of people to make the work of the group successful and effective: »Football requires teamwork even more than individual skill. SYNONYM(S): cooperation. 2. work done with horses. ╂[American… … Useful english dictionary
team work — The performance of work by two or more persons with good co ordination of their respective efforts. As the term is used in an exemption statute exempting from execution horses used in team work, it means work done by a team as a substantial part… … Ballentine's law dictionary
team·work — /ˈtiːmˌwɚk/ noun [noncount] : the work done by people who work together as a team to do something They credit good teamwork for their success … Useful english dictionary
team work — Within the meaning of an exemption law, this term means work done by a team as a substantial part of a man s business; as in farming, staging, express carrying, drawing of freight, peddling, or the transportation of material used or dealt in as a … Black's law dictionary
Team-work — Holdarbejde … Danske encyklopædi
team work — joint action by a group of people … English contemporary dictionary
Team — »Arbeitsgruppe; Mannschaft«: Das Fremdwort wurde Anfang des 20. Jh.s aus gleichbed. engl. team entlehnt, das aengl. tēam »Nachkommenschaft, Familie; Gespann« fortsetzt und mit dt. ↑ Zaum verwandt ist. – Dazu die Zusammensetzungen Teamwork… … Das Herkunftswörterbuch
team — ▪ I. team team 1 [tiːm] noun [countable] HUMAN RESOURCES a group of people who work together to do a particular job: • We have recruited an excellent management team. [m0] ▪ II. team team 2 verb … Financial and business terms
team — 01. He was really disappointed after his [team] lost the game 10 1. 02. Our sales [team] has been named tops in the city. 03. A [team] of doctors worked for over 12 hours to replace the baby s diseased heart. 04. The crowd booed, and yelled… … Grammatical examples in English
Team sport — Cricket is a popular team sport played at international level A team sport includes any sport which involves players working together towards a shared objective. A team sport is an activity in which a group of individuals, on the same team, work… … Wikipedia
work on — phr verb Work on is used with these nouns as the subject: ↑researcher, ↑scientist, ↑sculptor, ↑team Work on is used with these nouns as the object: ↑act, ↑assumption, ↑autobiography, ↑battery, ↑biography, ↑car … Collocations dictionary