- tea-spoon
- ˈti:spu:n сущ. чайная ложка чайная ложка
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
tea|spoon — «TEE SPOON, SPUN», noun. 1. a spoon, smaller than a tablespoon, commonly used to stir tea or coffee. It is larger in America than in Britain. 2. a spoon used as a unit of measure in cooking. It holds 1/3 as much as a tablespoon or 0.4928… … Useful english dictionary
tea|spoon|ful — «TEE SPOON ful, SPUN », noun, plural fuls. 1. a standard unit of liquid measure in cooking, equal to 1/3 tablespoonful or 11/3 fluid drams or 0.4928 centiliter. 2. as much as a teaspoon holds. Abbr: tsp … Useful english dictionary
tea·spoon — /ˈtiːˌspuːn/ noun, pl spoons [count] 1 : a small spoon that is used especially for eating soft foods and stirring drinks She stirred her coffee with a teaspoon. compare ↑tablespoon 2 a : a spoon that is used by cooks for measuring dry and liquid… … Useful english dictionary
tea-spoon — … Useful english dictionary
Iced tea spoon — An iced tea spoon, also called a soda spoon, is a long, thin spoon, used primarily in the United States, for stirring sugar or other sweeteners into iced tea, which is traditionally served in a tall glass.ee also* Bar spoon * Demitasse spoon *… … Wikipedia
tea·spoon·ful — … Useful english dictionary
spoon — bar·spoon; des·sert·spoon·ful; spoon; spoon·drift; spoon·er·ism; spoon·er·ize; spoon·ful; spoon·i·ly; spoon·i·ness; ta·ble·spoon·ful; tea·spoon·ful; spoon·er; spoon·ey·ism; spoon·ey·ness; … English syllables
spoon — n 1. teaspoon, tablespoon, measuring spoon, soupspoon, dessert spoon, grapefruit spoon, serving spoon, iced tea spoon, slotted spoon, wooden spoon; ladle, dipper, scoop. 2. spoonful, teaspoonful, tablespoonful, scoopful … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
tea — an·chi·e·tea; an·chis·tea; azo·tea; ba·tea; bu·tea; ca·lyp·to·blas·tea; co·lu·tea; gal·a·tea; gym·no·blas·tea; ido·tea; ir·i·ar·tea; ka·hi·ka·tea; la·por·tea; ma·ka·tea; ne·mer·tea; nyc·tea; oco·tea; pa·hau·tea; pro·tea; pu·ka·tea; tea;… … English syllables
Spoon sweets — are sweet preserves, served in a spoon as a gesture of hospitality in the Balkans, the Middle East, and in Russia. They can be made from almost any fruit, though sour and bitter fruits are especially prized. There are also spoon sweets produced… … Wikipedia
Tea culture — is defined by the way tea is made and consumed, by the way the people interact with tea, and by the aesthetics surrounding tea drinking.Tea is commonly drunk at social events, and many cultures have created intricate formal ceremonies for these… … Wikipedia