Смотреть что такое "tea-poy" в других словарях:
tea|poy — «TEE poy», noun. a small, three legged table for serving tea. ╂[Anglo Indian < Hindi tīpāi < tīn (< tir three ) + pāya foot] … Useful english dictionary
poy — char·poy; poy·ou; se·poy; tea·poy; … English syllables
tea — an·chi·e·tea; an·chis·tea; azo·tea; ba·tea; bu·tea; ca·lyp·to·blas·tea; co·lu·tea; gal·a·tea; gym·no·blas·tea; ido·tea; ir·i·ar·tea; ka·hi·ka·tea; la·por·tea; ma·ka·tea; ne·mer·tea; nyc·tea; oco·tea; pa·hau·tea; pro·tea; pu·ka·tea; tea;… … English syllables
Eat a Bowl of Tea (novel) — Eat a Bowl of Tea published in 1961, was the first Chinese American novel actually set in Chinese America. Its honest portrayal of New York s Chinatown after World War II made Eat a Bowl of Tea a classic in Asian American literature.The story… … Wikipedia
teapoy — tea·poy … English syllables
teapoy — tea•poy [[t]ˈti pɔɪ[/t]] n. 1) fur a small three legged table or stand 2) fur a small table for use in serving tea • Etymology: 1820–30; < Hindi tīpāi alter. (with t from tir three < Skt tri) of Pers si pāya three legged stand … From formal English to slang
Teapoy — Tea poy, n. [Hind. tip[=a]i; Hind. tin there + Per. p[=a]e foot.] An ornamental stand, usually with three legs, having caddies for holding tea. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
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