Смотреть что такое "tea-cake" в других словарях:
tea cake — noun 1. Britain : a light flat cake 2. : cookie * * * tea cake or tea bread, British. a kind of light bread or scone. * * * noun, pl ⋯ cakes [count] : a small, flat cake that usually has raisins and is e … Useful english dictionary
tea cake — кекс к чаю plum cake кекс с изюмом slab cake формовой кекс short cake песочный кекс rich cake кекс с фруктами plain cake кекс без фруктов … English-Russian travelling dictionary
tea cake — noun Date: 1805 1. a small flat cake usually made with raisins 2. cookie … New Collegiate Dictionary
Russian tea cake — Russian tea cakes Russian tea cakes coated in confectioner s sugar Origin Alternative name(s) Mexican wedding cakes, butterballs Place of origin … Wikipedia
Tea Manual — (茶谱, Cha Pu) by Zhu Quan(朱权), aka Prince Ning, 17th son of Ming dynasty founder Emperor Hongwu in 1440, is a milestone work.Following his father Emperor Hongwu s ban on manufacturing of tea cake, Prince Ning advocated a simpler way of steeping… … Wikipedia
tea party — tea .party n 1.) a small party in the afternoon at which tea, cake etc is served 2.) be no tea party AmE informal to be very difficult or unpleasant to do … Dictionary of contemporary English
Tea Time — Die Britische Teekultur entstand bereits im 17. Jahrhundert und ist weit über Großbritannien hinaus bekannt. Hinter China und Irland liegt das Vereinigte Königreich mit einem jährlichen Konsum von rund 3,5 Kilogramm Tee pro Kopf weltweit auf… … Deutsch Wikipedia
cake — Synonyms and related words: Boston cream pie, angel cake, angel food cake, baked Alaska, bar, block, body, bun, candy, cheesecake, chocolate cake, chunk, clabber, clot, clump, cluster, coagulate, coffee cake, concrete, concretion, condense,… … Moby Thesaurus
Tea loaf — A tea loaf is an English cake, made with fruit and cinnamon (or other spices), and traditionally served sliced and spread with butter. Tea loaf is now somewhat old fashioned but is still available, and is particularly associated with Yorkshire.ee … Wikipedia
tea bread — noun sweetened buns to be eaten with tea • Hypernyms: ↑bun, ↑roll * * * noun : sweetened bread or buns to be eaten with tea * * * tea bread noun Light sweet bread or buns to be eaten with tea • • • Main Entry: ↑tea * * * … Useful english dictionary
tea party — noun (C) 1 a small party in the afternoon at which tea, cake etc is served 2 be no tea party AmE informal to be very difficult or unpleasant to do … Longman dictionary of contemporary English