tea clam
Смотреть что такое "tea clam" в других словарях:
Tea clam — Tea Tea (t[=e]), n. [Chin. tsh[=a], Prov. Chin. te: cf. F. th[ e].] 1. The prepared leaves of a shrub, or small tree ({Thea Chinensis} or {Camellia Chinensis}). The shrub is a native of China, but has been introduced to some extent into some… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
tea clam — tea clam, U.S. a very small clam … Useful english dictionary
Tea — (t[=e]), n. [Chin. tsh[=a], Prov. Chin. te: cf. F. th[ e].] 1. The prepared leaves of a shrub, or small tree ({Thea Chinensis} or {Camellia Chinensis}). The shrub is a native of China, but has been introduced to some extent into some other… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Tea board — Tea Tea (t[=e]), n. [Chin. tsh[=a], Prov. Chin. te: cf. F. th[ e].] 1. The prepared leaves of a shrub, or small tree ({Thea Chinensis} or {Camellia Chinensis}). The shrub is a native of China, but has been introduced to some extent into some… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Tea bug — Tea Tea (t[=e]), n. [Chin. tsh[=a], Prov. Chin. te: cf. F. th[ e].] 1. The prepared leaves of a shrub, or small tree ({Thea Chinensis} or {Camellia Chinensis}). The shrub is a native of China, but has been introduced to some extent into some… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Tea caddy — Tea Tea (t[=e]), n. [Chin. tsh[=a], Prov. Chin. te: cf. F. th[ e].] 1. The prepared leaves of a shrub, or small tree ({Thea Chinensis} or {Camellia Chinensis}). The shrub is a native of China, but has been introduced to some extent into some… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Tea chest — Tea Tea (t[=e]), n. [Chin. tsh[=a], Prov. Chin. te: cf. F. th[ e].] 1. The prepared leaves of a shrub, or small tree ({Thea Chinensis} or {Camellia Chinensis}). The shrub is a native of China, but has been introduced to some extent into some… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Tea garden — Tea Tea (t[=e]), n. [Chin. tsh[=a], Prov. Chin. te: cf. F. th[ e].] 1. The prepared leaves of a shrub, or small tree ({Thea Chinensis} or {Camellia Chinensis}). The shrub is a native of China, but has been introduced to some extent into some… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Tea plant — Tea Tea (t[=e]), n. [Chin. tsh[=a], Prov. Chin. te: cf. F. th[ e].] 1. The prepared leaves of a shrub, or small tree ({Thea Chinensis} or {Camellia Chinensis}). The shrub is a native of China, but has been introduced to some extent into some… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Tea plant — Tea Tea (t[=e]), n. [Chin. tsh[=a], Prov. Chin. te: cf. F. th[ e].] 1. The prepared leaves of a shrub, or small tree ({Thea Chinensis} or {Camellia Chinensis}). The shrub is a native of China, but has been introduced to some extent into some… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Tea rose — Tea Tea (t[=e]), n. [Chin. tsh[=a], Prov. Chin. te: cf. F. th[ e].] 1. The prepared leaves of a shrub, or small tree ({Thea Chinensis} or {Camellia Chinensis}). The shrub is a native of China, but has been introduced to some extent into some… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English