Смотреть что такое "taxwise" в других словарях:
taxwise — adverb In terms of taxation. You lose the amortization of your capital equipment, taxwise. Compare this with the cost of leasing … Wiktionary
taxwise — ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ adverb Etymology: tax (II) + wise : with respect to a tax or taxation … Useful english dictionary
Jeremy Gatdula — Jeremy I. Gatdula is a Filipino lawyer specializing in international trade law. He is recognized as the foremost legal voice, [] through numerous writings and lectures, in spreading knowledge … Wikipedia
-wise — The practice of attaching this suffix to nouns with the meaning of with reference to and concerning is widespread and indiscriminate. No one objects to such a sensible word as clockwise, but how about jobwise, attendance wise, flavorwise,… … Dictionary of problem words and expressions