tax legislation
Смотреть что такое "tax legislation" в других словарях:
Formal Tax Legislation — The steps required to propose a new tax law or a change to an existing one. The process involves the President and Congress. Here is how formal tax legislation works: 1. A tax bill starts in the House of Representatives and is sent to the Ways… … Investment dictionary
Tax avoidance and tax evasion — Tax avoidance is the legal utilization of the tax regime to one s own advantage, in order to reduce the amount of tax that is payable by means that are within the law. By contrast tax evasion is the general term for efforts to not pay taxes by… … Wikipedia
Tax system in China — Taxes provide the most important revenue source for the Government of the People s Republic of China. As the most important source of fiscal revenue, tax is a key economic player of macro economic regulation, and greatly affects China s economic… … Wikipedia
Tax and NIC charges on Company Cars — Under income tax legislation, the tax payable by an individual on a company car is assessed on 35% of the new price list up to a maximum of ₤80,000. Where the employee s business mileage is over 18,000 miles, this figure can be reduced by two… … Law dictionary
Tax law rewrite project — The tax law rewrite project of HM Revenue and Customs is a major effort to re write the entire tax legislation of the United Kingdom in a format which is both more consistent and more understandable. It aims to remove archaic language and… … Wikipedia
Tax Equity And Fiscal Responsibility Act Of 1982 - TEFRA — Federal tax legislation passed in 1982 that modified some aspects of the Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981 (ERTA). Both of these pieces of tax legislation took place during the Reagan Presidency. The ERTA was a piece of tax legislation that… … Investment dictionary
Tax Fairness — A tax platform based on an ideal that aims to create a system of taxation that is fair, clear and equivalent for all taxpayers. Overall, tax fairness looks to limit the amount of tax legislation and rules that benefit one segment of the tax… … Investment dictionary
tax planning — The arrangement of a taxpayer s affairs, in accordance with the requirements of the tax legislation, in order to reduce the overall charge to tax. See: tax avoidance … Accounting dictionary
tax-deductible — Denoting an amount that can be deducted from income or profits, in accordance with the tax legislation, before establishing the amount of income or profits that is subject to tax … Accounting dictionary
tax-effective — Denoting a procedure that is in accordance with the tax legislation and results in a reduction in the tax charge … Accounting dictionary
tax-deductible — Denoting an amount that can be deducted from income or profits, in accordance with the tax legislation, before establishing the amount of income or profits that is subject to tax … Big dictionary of business and management