tax exemption

tax exemption
освобождение от налога

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "tax exemption" в других словарях:

  • tax exemption — tax exempt tax exempt 2 adjective TAX 1. tax exempt investments, savings, income etc are not taxed: • a tax exempt savings account • issuers of tax exempt bonds 2. an organization that is tax exempt does not have to pay ta …   Financial and business terms

  • Tax exemption — A tax exemption is an exemption from all or certain taxes of a state or nation in which part of the taxes that would normally be collected from an individual or an organization are instead foregone.Normally a tax exemption is provided to an… …   Wikipedia

  • tax exemption — A personal exemption of a fixed amount, as determined by statute, to be deducted from gross income in determining the taxable income of a person. Internal Revenue Code § 151. A dependent constituting a personal exemption in computation of taxable …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • tax exemption — Synonyms and related words: assessment, cess, conscience money, contribution, direct tax, duty, graduated taxation, imposition, impost, indirect tax, joint return, levy, progressive tax, separate returns, single tax, supertax, surtax, tax, tax… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • tax exemption — / tæks ɪgˌzempʃən/ noun US 1. the fact of being free from payment of tax 2. the part of income which a person is allowed to earn and not pay tax on …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • tax exemption — Immunity from the obligation of paying taxes in whole or in part …   Black's law dictionary

  • exemption — ex·emp·tion /ig zemp shən/ n 1: the act of exempting or state of being exempt 2: one that exempts or is exempted: as a: an amount of income exempted from taxation that may be deducted from adjusted gross income under the tax laws see also… …   Law dictionary

  • Tax bracket — Tax brackets are the divisions at which tax rates change in a progressive tax system (or an explicitly regressive tax system, although this is much rarer). Essentially, they are the cutoff values for taxable income mdash; income past a certain… …   Wikipedia

  • exemption trust — A bypass trust funded with an amount no larger than the personal federal estate tax exemption for the year of death. If the trust grantor leaves property worth more than that amount, it usually goes to the surviving spouse. The trust property… …   Law dictionary

  • exemption certificate — ➔ certificate * * * exemption certificate UK US noun [C] TAX ► an official document that gives someone special permission not to do or pay something: »a medical/tax exemption certificate »The Revenue should have discretion to grant exemption… …   Financial and business terms

  • Tax system in China — Taxes provide the most important revenue source for the Government of the People s Republic of China. As the most important source of fiscal revenue, tax is a key economic player of macro economic regulation, and greatly affects China s economic… …   Wikipedia

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