Смотреть что такое "tautomerize" в других словарях:
tautomerize — tautomerizable, adj. tautomerization, n. /taw tom euh ruyz /, v., tautomerized, tautomerizing. v.i. 1. to undergo tautomerism. v.t. 2. to cause to undergo tautomerism. Also, esp. Brit., tautomerise. [TAUTOMER(ISM) + IZE] * * * … Universalium
tautomerize — verb To isomerize so as to form a tautomer … Wiktionary
tautomerize — tau·tom·er·ize … English syllables
tautomerize — tȯˈtäməˌrīz verb ( ed/ ing/ s) Etymology: tautomer + ize intransitive verb : to become changed into a tautomeric form transitive verb : to cause to change into a tautomeric form * * * tautomerizable, adj … Useful english dictionary
Zwitterion — Two isomeric forms of an amino acid. The isomer on the right is a zwitterion … Wikipedia
Mannich reaction — The Mannich reaction is an organic reaction which consists of an amino alkylation of an acidic proton placed next to a carbonyl functional group with formaldehyde and ammonia or any primary or secondary amine. The final product is a β amino… … Wikipedia
Hell-Volhard-Zelinsky halogenation — The Hell Volhard Zelinsky halogenation reaction halogenates carboxylic acids at the α carbon. The reaction is named after three chemists, the German chemists Carl Magnus von Hell (1849 1926) and Jacob Volhard and the Russian chemist Nikolay… … Wikipedia
Favorskii reaction — The Favorskii reaction (not to be confused with the Favorskii rearrangement), named for the Russian chemist Alexei Yevgrafovich Favorskii , is a special case of nucleophilic attack on a carbonyl group involving a terminal alkyne with acidic… … Wikipedia