Tatty — Tat ty, n.; pl. {Tatties}. [Hind. [.t]a[.t][.t][imac].] A mat or screen of fibers, as of the kuskus grass, hung at a door or window and kept wet to moisten and cool the air as it enters. [India] [Webster 1913 Suppl.] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Tatty — Nom rare porté dans le Rhône, plus fréquent sous la forme Taty (69, 15, 23). Autre variante : Tati (01, 69). C est, comme Tatin (38 notamment) le diminutif du nom de personne d origine germanique Tato (racine tat = action), qui a donné les… … Noms de famille
tatty — 1510s, tangled or matted (of hair), Scottish, probably related to O.E. tættec a rag (see TATTER (Cf. tatter)). Sense of tattered, ragged, shabby first recorded 1933 … Etymology dictionary
tatty — ► ADJECTIVE (tattier, tattiest) informal ▪ worn and shabby; in poor condition. DERIVATIVES tattily adverb tattiness noun. ORIGIN from Old English, «rag»; related to TATTERED(Cf. ↑tattered) … English terms dictionary
tatty — [tat′ē] adj. tattier, tattiest [prob. < OE taetteca, a rag, akin to ON töturr, TATTER] [Chiefly Brit.] shabby, decrepit, or tawdry tattily adv. tattiness n … English World dictionary
tatty — [[t]tæ̱ti[/t]] ADJ GRADED If you describe something as tatty, you think it is untidy, rather dirty, and looks as if it has not been cared for. [mainly BRIT] There were a lot of guest houses which were very tatty. ...a very tatty old bathrobe. Syn … English dictionary
tatty — tatty1 tattily, adv. tattiness, n. /tat ee/, adj., tattier, tattiest. 1. cheap or tawdry; vulgar: a tatty production of a Shakespearean play. 2. shabby or ill kempt; ragged; untidy: an old house with dirty windows and tatty curtains. [1505 15;… … Universalium
tatty — tat|ty [ˈtæti] adj comparative tattier superlative tattiest [Date: 1900 2000; Origin: tat dirty or torn piece of cloth (19 20 centuries)] informal in bad condition = ↑shabby ▪ tatty jeans ▪ a few tatty old chairs >tattily adv … Dictionary of contemporary English
tatty — adjective tattier, tattiest informal especially BrE untidy or in a bad condition; shabby: tatty jeans | a few tatty old chairs tattily adverb tattiness noun (C) … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
tatty — UK [ˈtætɪ] / US adjective Word forms tatty : adjective tatty comparative tattier superlative tattiest informal old and in bad condition … English dictionary
tatty — adjective (tattier; est) Etymology: perhaps akin to Old English tætteca rag more at tatter Date: 1513 rather worn, frayed, or dilapidated ; shabby < a tatty shirt > • tattiness noun … New Collegiate Dictionary