- tattler
- ˈtætlə сущ. болтун;
сплетник болтун, сплетник (устаревшее) ручные часы с боем (зоология) кулик (Scolopacidae fam.) tattler болтун;
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Tattler — Tat tler, n. 1. One who tattles; an idle talker; one who tells tales. Jer. Taylor. [1913 Webster] 2. (Zo[ o]l.) Any one of several species of large, long legged sandpipers belonging to the genus {Totanus}. [1913 Webster] Note: The common American … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Tattler — can refer to:*Tattler, a person who likes to gossip a lot *Tattler (student newspaper), the student newspaper of Ithaca High School in Ithaca, New York. *Tattler (bird), a shorebird *Tattler (newsletter), the Newsletter for the East Asian… … Wikipedia
Tattler — Tattler, s. Tatler … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
tattler — [tat′lər] n. 1. a person who tattles; gossip ☆ 2. a grayish brown sandpiper (Heteroscelus incanus) of the Pacific coastal region, known for its loud cry … English World dictionary
tattler — /tat leuhr/, n. 1. a person who tattles; telltale. 2. either of two shorebirds of the genus Heteroscelus, having a loud, whistling cry. 3. any of various related shorebirds having shrill cries, as the yellowlegs. 4. a small bass, Serranus phoebe … Universalium
tattler — Yellowlegs Yel low*legs , n. (Zo[ o]l.) Any one of several species of long legged sandpipers of the genus {Totanus}, in which the legs are bright yellow; called also {stone snipe}, {tattler}, {telltale}, {yellowshanks}; and {yellowshins}. See… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
tattler — noun a) One who tattles (notifies authorities of illicit behavior) or is inclined to do so; a tattletale. My sister is a big tattler; she always tells Mommy when I hit her! b) A device fitted to a vehicle to measure mileage etc. A few truck… … Wiktionary
tattler — tattletale / tattler [n] person who gossips, tells rumors bigmouth*, blabberer, blabbermouth*, busybody, canary*, fat mouth*, fink*, gossip, informer, rat*, rumormonger, scandalmonger, snitch*, squealer*, stool pigeon*, talebearer, taleteller,… … New thesaurus
tattler — Ūlili. A tattler running on the beach, struck by a big sea, falls, he ūlili holoholo kahakai, pā i ke kai nui, hina (of weaklings) … English-Hawaiian dictionary
tattler — tattle ► NOUN ▪ gossip; idle talk. ► VERB ▪ engage in tattle. DERIVATIVES tattler noun. ORIGIN Flemish tatelen, tateren … English terms dictionary
Tattler (student newspaper) — NOTOC The Tattler is the student newspaper of Ithaca High School in Ithaca, New York. Founded in 1892, it is one of the oldest student newspapers in the United States. It is published six to ten times a year, and has a circulation of about 3,000 … Wikipedia