Смотреть что такое "taste-bud" в других словарях:
taste bud — n an end organ that mediates the sensation of taste, lies chiefly in the epithelium of the tongue and esp. in the walls of the circumvallate papillae, and consists of a conical or flask shaped mass made up partly of supporting cells and partly of … Medical dictionary
taste bud — n [C usually plural] one of the small parts of the surface of your tongue with which you can taste things … Dictionary of contemporary English
taste bud — taste′ bud n. anat. one of numerous small flask shaped bodies, chiefly in the epithelium of the tongue, that are the sense organs of taste … From formal English to slang
taste bud — ► NOUN ▪ any of the clusters of nerve endings on the tongue and in the lining of the mouth which provide the sense of taste … English terms dictionary
taste bud — n. an oval cluster of cells embedded principally in the epithelium of the tongue and functioning as the sense organ of taste … English World dictionary
Taste bud — Infobox Anatomy Name = Taste bud Latin = caliculus gustatorius GraySubject = 222 GrayPage = 991 Caption = Semidiagrammatic view of a portion of the mucous membrane of the tongue. Two fungiform papillæ are shown. On some of the filiform papillæ… … Wikipedia
taste bud — one of numerous small, flask shaped bodies, chiefly in the epithelium of the tongue, which are the end organs for the sense of taste. [1885 90] * * * ▪ anatomy small organ located on the tongue in terrestrial vertebrates (vertebrate) that… … Universalium
taste bud — noun an oval sensory end organ on the surface of the tongue • Syn: ↑tastebud, ↑gustatory organ • Hypernyms: ↑chemoreceptor • Part Holonyms: ↑tongue, ↑lingua, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
taste bud — taste buds also tastebud N COUNT: usu pl, oft poss N Your taste buds are the little points on the surface of your tongue which enable you to recognize the flavour of a food or drink … English dictionary
taste bud — noun Date: 1879 an end organ mediating the sensation of taste and lying chiefly in the epithelium of the tongue … New Collegiate Dictionary
taste bud — (ARTHROPODA: Insecta) In Lepidoptera, specialized taste cells located on the tarsi … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology