Смотреть что такое "tarpon" в других словарях:
tarpon — [ tarpɔ̃ ] n. m. • 1907; mot angl., d o. i. ♦ Gros poisson marin très primitif (élopiformes) de l Atlantique tropical, recherché pour ses écailles. ● tarpon nom masculin (anglais tarpon) Grand poisson osseux primitif des eaux côtières et… … Encyclopédie Universelle
tarpon — TARPÓN s. m. peşte mare, argintiu, necomestibil, din vestul Oc. Atlantic. (< fr. tarpon) Trimis de raduborza, 15.09.2007. Sursa: MDN … Dicționar Român
tarpon — [tär′pən, tär′pän΄] n. pl. tarpons or tarpon [< ?] any of a family (Megalopidae, order Elopiformes) of bony fishes; esp., a large, silvery game fish (Megalops atlanticus) with very large scales, found in the warmer parts of the W Atlantic … English World dictionary
Tarpon — Tar pon, n. (Zo[ o]l.) Same as {Tarpum}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Tarpon — (Silberkönig, Megalops thrissoides Bl. Schn), Fisch aus der Familie der Heringe, bis 2 m lang und 100 kg schwer, mit kleinen, bürstenförmigen Zähnen am Kiefer, Gaumen und Zunge, vorstehendem Unterkiefer und 8–9 cm messenden Schuppen mit starkem… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
tarpon — large fish (Megalops atlanticus) of the herring family, 1680s, probably from a Native American word. Also called jew fish … Etymology dictionary
tarpon — tàrpōn m <G tarpóna> DEFINICIJA zool. morska riba (Megalops atlantica), živi uz atlantske obale Floride, duga do 2 m, ponekad ulazi duboko u rijeke ETIMOLOGIJA nizoz. ← egz. (miskito tapam, sumo tapham) … Hrvatski jezični portal
Tarpon — Megalops Temporal range: Late Miocene to Present … Wikipedia
tarpon — /tahr peuhn/, n., pl. tarpons, (esp. collectively) tarpon. a large, powerful game fish, Megalops atlantica, inhabiting the warmer waters of the Atlantic Ocean, having a compressed body and large, silvery scales. [1675 85; earlier tarpum, trapham … Universalium
Tarpon — Megalops Tarpon … Wikipédia en Français
tarpón — ► sustantivo masculino ZOOLOGÍA Pez clupeiforme de cuerpo alargado y comprimido y escamas plateadas, que es objeto de pesca deportiva. (Magalops atlanticus.) * * * Cualquiera de ciertos peces marinos (familia Megalopidae) que poseen el último… … Enciclopedia Universal