target object

target object
целевой объект (отношения)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "target object" в других словарях:

  • Object-oriented analysis and design — (OOAD) is a software engineering approach that models a system as a group of interacting objects. Each object represents some entity of interest in the system being modeled, and is characterised by its class, its state (data elements), and its… …   Wikipedia

  • Object hyperlinking — is a neologism that usually refers to extending the Internet to objects and locations in the real world. The current Internet does not extend beyond the electronic world. Object hyperlinking aims to extend the Internet to the real world by… …   Wikipedia

  • Object categorization from image search — In computer vision, the problem of object categorization from image search is the problem of training a classifier to recognize categories of objects, using only the images retrieved automatically with an Internet search engine. Ideally,… …   Wikipedia

  • Object Process Methodology — (OPM) is an approach to designing information systems by depicting them using object models and process models. OPM was conceived and developed by Prof. Dov Dori, at the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology. A paper that first presented… …   Wikipedia

  • TARGET — tar·get n: the object to be affected or achieved by an action or development; specif: a company that is the object of a takeover Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. target …   Law dictionary

  • target — tar·get n: the object to be affected or achieved by an action or development; specif: a company that is the object of a takeover Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. target …   Law dictionary

  • Object Linking and Embedding — (OLE) is a technology developed by Microsoft that allows embedding and linking to documents and other objects. For developers, it brought OLE Control eXtension (OCX), a way to develop and use custom user interface elements. On a technical level,… …   Wikipedia

  • target — [tär′git] n. [ME < MFr targette, dim. of targe, a shield < Frank * targa, akin to TARGE] 1. Historical a small shield, esp. a round one 2. a) a round, flat board, straw coil, etc., often one marked with concentric circles, set up to be… …   English World dictionary

  • Target fixation — is a process by which the brain is focused so intently on an observed object that awareness of other obstacles or hazards can diminish. Also, in an avoidance scenario, the observer can become so fixated on the target that they will forget to take …   Wikipedia

  • object — ob·ject 1 / äb jikt/ n 1: something toward which thought, feeling, or action is directed see also natural object 2: the purpose or goal of something; esp in the civil law of Louisiana: the purpose for which a contract or obligation is formed… …   Law dictionary

  • target — 1. The figurative use of target meaning ‘an amount or objective to be achieved’ arose during the Second World War and is now more common than the primary meaning. Sir Ernest Gowers, the senior Whitehall civil servant and writer on language, grew… …   Modern English usage

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