target chamber

target chamber
камера мишени (камера с облучаемым материалом)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "target chamber" в других словарях:

  • Target Corporation — This article is about the United States retail company and its stores. For the Australian retail stores, see Target Australia. Target Corporation Type Public company Traded as NYSE:  …   Wikipedia

  • Diving chamber — The decompression chamber at the Neutral Buoyancy Lab A diving chamber has two main functions: as a simpler form of submersible vessel to take divers underwater and to provide a temporary base and retrieval system in the depths; as a land or ship …   Wikipedia

  • Anechoic chamber — An anechoic chamber An anechoic chamber (an echoic meaning non echoing or echo free) is a room designed to stop reflections of either sound or electromagnetic waves. They are also insulated from exterior sources of noise. The combination of both… …   Wikipedia

  • Dark Matter Time Projection Chamber — The Dark Matter Time Projection Chamber (DMTPC) is an experiment for direct detection of weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs), one of the most favored candidates for dark matter. The experiment uses a low pressure time projection chamber… …   Wikipedia

  • Mandatory renewable energy target — A mandatory renewable energy target is a government legislated requirement on electricity retailers to source specific proportions of total electricity sales from renewable energy sources according to a fixed timeframe. The additional cost is… …   Wikipedia

  • The Tanzania Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture — (TCCIA) is a business promotion group in Tanzania in Africa. It was established in 1988. It was initiated with the support of the Tanzanian Government to strengthen the private sector. The establishment of the TCCIA was an important step in… …   Wikipedia

  • National Ignition Facility — NIF s basic layout. The laser pulse is generated in the room just right of center, and is sent into the beamlines (blue) on either side. After several passes through the beamlines the light is sent into the switchyard (red) where it is aimed into …   Wikipedia

  • Nova (laser) — View down Nova s laser bay between two banks of beamlines. The blue boxes contain the amplifiers and their flashtube pumps , the tubes between the banks of amplifiers are the spatial filters. Nova was a high power laser built at the Lawrence… …   Wikipedia

  • Nova laser — Nova was a high power laser built at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) in 1984 which conducted advanced inertial confinement fusion (ICF) experiments until its dismantling in 1999. Nova was the first ICF experiment built with the… …   Wikipedia

  • Inertial confinement fusion — (ICF) is a process where nuclear fusion reactions are initiated by heating and compressing a fuel target, typically in the form of a pellet that most often contains a mixture of deuterium and tritium.To compress and heat the fuel, energy is… …   Wikipedia

  • HiPER — The High Power laser Energy Research facility (HiPER), is an experimental laser driven inertial confinement fusion (ICF) device undergoing preliminary design for possible construction in the European Union starting around 2010. HiPER is the first …   Wikipedia

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