Смотреть что такое "tar-brush" в других словарях:
tar brush — noun A brush for applying tar • • • Main Entry: ↑tar … Useful english dictionary
tar-brush — … Useful english dictionary
touch of the tar brush — (offensive) A certain amount of eg African blood resulting in darkish skin • • • Main Entry: ↑tar … Useful english dictionary
tar — 1. n. & v. n. 1 a dark thick inflammable liquid distilled from wood or coal etc. and used as a preservative of wood and iron, in making roads, as an antiseptic, etc. 2 a similar substance formed in the combustion of tobacco etc. v.tr. (tarred,… … Useful english dictionary
tar someone with the same brush — tar (someone) with the same brush see ↑tar, 2 • • • Main Entry: ↑brush tar (someone) with the same brush : to think that (someone) has the same bad qualities and deserves the same blame or criticism as another person because of being connected or … Useful english dictionary
tar — Ⅰ. tar [1] ► NOUN 1) a dark, thick flammable liquid distilled from wood or coal, used in road making and for coating and preserving timber. 2) a similar substance formed by burning tobacco or other material. ► VERB (tarred, tarring) ▪ cover with… … English terms dictionary
tar someone with the same brush — tar (someone) with the same brush to believe wrongly that someone or something has the same bad qualities as someone or something that is similar. I admit that some football supporters do cause trouble but it s not fair that we re all being… … New idioms dictionary
tar with the same brush — tar (someone) with the same brush to believe wrongly that someone or something has the same bad qualities as someone or something that is similar. I admit that some football supporters do cause trouble but it s not fair that we re all being… … New idioms dictionary
tar with the same brush — If people are tarred with the same brush, they are said to have the same set of attributes or faults as someone they are associated with … The small dictionary of idiomes
tar with the same brush — ► tar with the same brush consider to have the same faults. Main Entry: ↑tar … English terms dictionary
tar — tar1 [tär] n. [ME terre < OE teru < PGmc * terw(i)a , substance from trees < IE base * deru , TREE] 1. a thick, sticky, brown to black liquid with a pungent odor, obtained by the destructive distillation of wood, coal, peat, shale, etc … English World dictionary