taper thread

taper thread
коническая резьба

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "taper thread" в других словарях:

  • Thread pool pattern — In the thread pool pattern in programming, a number of threads are created to perform a number of tasks, which are usually organized in a queue. Typically, there are many more tasks than threads. As soon as a thread completes its task, it will… …   Wikipedia

  • taper pipe thread — noun : pipe thread formed with a slightly tapering diameter to secure a firm and leakproof joint …   Useful english dictionary

  • British standard pipe thread — The British Standard Pipe thread (BSP thread) is a family of standard screw thread types that has been adopted internationally for interconnecting and sealing pipe ends by mating an external (male) with an internal (female) thread.TypesTwo types… …   Wikipedia

  • Screw thread — Internal and external threads illustrated using a common nut and bolt. The screw and nut pair can be used to convert torque into linear force. As the screw (or bolt) is rotated, the screw moves along its axis through the fixed nut, or the non… …   Wikipedia

  • National pipe thread — Threaded pipe and elbow. The pipe has a male NPT thread, while the elbow s is female. National Pipe Thread Tapered Thread (NPT) is a U.S. standard for tapered threads used on threaded pipes and fittings. The taper rate for all NPT threads is 1⁄16 …   Wikipedia

  • Machine taper — A machine taper is a system for securing cutting bits and other accessories to a machine tool s spindle. Contents 1 Explanation 2 Use 3 Types 3.1 Morse 3.1.1 …   Wikipedia

  • Diving cylinder — Diving cylinders to be filled at a diving air compressor station …   Wikipedia

  • ГОСТ 11708-82: Основные нормы взаимозаменяемости. Резьба. Термины и определения — Терминология ГОСТ 11708 82: Основные нормы взаимозаменяемости. Резьба. Термины и определения оригинал документа: 67. Базовая плоскость конической резьбы Базовая плоскость D. Basisebene des kegligen Gewindes Плоскость, перпендикулярная к оси… …   Словарь-справочник терминов нормативно-технической документации

  • коническая резьба — [ГОСТ 27017 86] коническая резьба Резьба, образованная на боковой поверхности прямого кругового конуса ГОСТ 11708 82 (СТ СЭВ 2631 80)] Тематики крепежные изделиянормы взаимозаменяемости …   Справочник технического переводчика

  • Raccord BSP — Pour les articles homonymes, voir BSP. BSP est un type de raccord hydraulique. Il désigne en réalité la forme du filetage gaz et la façon dont l étanchéité est faite. Dans le cas du BSPT, elle est assurée par un contact cône sur arête. Les noms… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • cone — /kohn/, n., v., coned, coning. n. 1. Geom. a. a solid whose surface is generated by a line passing through a fixed point and a fixed plane curve not containing the point, consisting of two equal sections joined at a vertex. b. a plane surface… …   Universalium

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