tape loop
Смотреть что такое "tape loop" в других словарях:
Tape loop — Tape loops are loops of prerecorded magnetic tape used to create repetitive, rhythmic musical patterns or dense layers of sound. Contemporary composers such as Steve Reich and Karlheinz Stockhausen used tape loops to create phase patterns and… … Wikipedia
tape loop — noun A length of magnetic tape or film with the ends joined together to form an endless strip, allowing a recording to be continuously repeated • • • Main Entry: ↑tape … Useful english dictionary
tape loop — tape′ loop n. hfi loop I, 10) … From formal English to slang
tape loop — n. LOOP1 (n. 6) * * * … Universalium
tape loop — n. LOOP1 (n. 6) … English World dictionary
tape loop — juostos kilpa statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. tape loop vok. Bandschleife, f rus. петля ленты, f pranc. boucle de bande, f … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
tape loop — /ˈteɪp lup/ (say tayp loohp) noun → loop1 (def. 10a) …
Loop (music) — In electroacoustic music, a loop is a repeating section of sound material. Short sections of material can be repeated to create ostinato patterns. A loop can be created using a wide range of music technologies including digital samplers,… … Wikipedia
loop — I. /lup / (say loohp) noun 1. a folding or doubling of a portion of a cord, lace, ribbon, etc., upon itself, so as to leave an opening between the parts. 2. anything shaped more or less like a loop, as a line drawn on paper, a part of a letter, a …
Loop — 1. musical sample repeated throughout a song (originally referring to a tape loop); 2. person; weirdo … Dictionary of Australian slang
loop — Australian Slang 1. musical sample repeated throughout a song (originally referring to a tape loop); 2. person; weirdo … English dialects glossary