- tantalum
- ˈtæntələm сущ.;
хим. тантал (химическое) тантал tantalum хим. тантал
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Tantalum — (pronEng|ˈtæntələm) (formerly tantalium IPA|/tænˈtæliəm/) is a chemical element with the symbol Ta and atomic number 73. A rare, hard, blue grey, lustrous, transition metal, tantalum is highly corrosion resistant and occurs naturally in the… … Wikipedia
Tantalum — Tan ta*lum, n. [NL. So named on account of the perplexity and difficulty encounterd by its discoverer (Ekeberg) in isolating it. See {Tantalus}.] (Chem.) A rare nonmetallic element found in certain minerals, as tantalite, samarskite, and… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Tantălum — Tantălum, so v.w. Tantal … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
tantalum — Symbol: Ta Atomic number: 73 Atomic weight: 180.948 Heavy blue grey metallic transition element. Ta 181 is a stable isotope, and Ta 180 is a radioactive isotope, with a half life in excess of 10^7 years. Used in surgery as it is unreactive. Forms … Elements of periodic system
tantalum — [tan′tə ləm] n. [ModL: so named (1802) by its discoverer, Anders Gustaf Ekeberg (1767 1813), Swed chemist < Gr Tantalos, TANTALUS (its insolubility in most acids made extraction from the mineral tantalizing) + (I)UM] a hard, gray, ductile,… … English World dictionary
tantalum — /tan tl euhm/, n. Chem. a gray, hard, rare, metallic element occurring in columbite and tantalite and usually associated with niobium: used, because of its resistance to corrosion by most acids, for chemical, dental, and surgical instruments and… … Universalium
Tantalum — Eigenschaften … Deutsch Wikipedia
tantalum — tantalas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Cheminis elementas. simbolis( iai) Ta atitikmenys: lot. tantalum angl. tantalum rus. тантал … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
tantalum — noun [tɑ˧nˈʃaː˨lɔ˧m] a) A metallic chemical element (symbol Ta) with an atomic number of 73. b) tantalum See Also: coltan, Tantalean, Tantalic, tantalise, tantalize, tantalite, Tantalus … Wiktionary
tantalum — A heavy metal of the vanadium group, atomic no. 73, atomic wt. 180.9479; used in surgical prostheses because of its noncorrosive properties. [G. mythical king of Lydia, Tantalus] * * * tan·ta·lum tant əl əm n a hard ductile gray white acid… … Medical dictionary
tantalum — n. a rare heavy metal used in surgery as it is easily moulded and does not corrode. For example, tantalum sutures and plates are used for repair of defects in the bones of the skull. Symbol: Ta … The new mediacal dictionary