tank semitrailer
Смотреть что такое "tank semitrailer" в других словарях:
полуприцеп-цистерна — — [http://slovarionline.ru/anglo russkiy slovar neftegazovoy promyishlennosti/] Тематики нефтегазовая промышленность EN tank semitrailer … Справочник технического переводчика
M970 — Infobox Automobile name=M970 5,000 Gallon Semitrailer Refueler manufacturer=The Heil Company parent company= production= predecessor=M 131 Series successor=None class=Large Semi trailer truck body style=Tanker Semi trailer truck platform=… … Wikipedia
truck — truck1 truckable, adj. /truk/, n. 1. any of various forms of vehicle for carrying goods and materials, usually consisting of a single self propelled unit but also often composed of a trailer vehicle hauled by a tractor unit. 2. any of various… … Universalium
Semi-trailer truck — A semi trailer truck, also known as tractor trailer or (in the United Kingdom and Ireland) articulated lorry, is an articulated truck or lorry consisting of a towing engine ( tractor in the United States, prime mover in Australia, and truck in… … Wikipedia
List of United States Marine Corps MOS — The Marine Corps s Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) is a system of categorizing career fields. The standard structure of an MOS identifier is a 4 digit number, with the first two being the category, and the second two being the career within … Wikipedia
Heavy Equipment Transport System — The Heavy Equipment Transport System (HETS) is a military logistics vehicle used to transport, deploy, and evacuate tanks, armored personnel carriers, self propelled artillery, and other heavy vehicles. Using HETS saves wear and tear on the tank … Wikipedia
Truck driver — A truck driver (Commonly called a trucker, driver or teamster in the United States and Canada, a truckie or ute driver in Australia and New Zealand and a lorry driver or driver in Ireland and the United Kingdom) is a person who earns a living as… … Wikipedia
vehicle — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Conveyance Nouns 1. vehicle, machine, conveyance, equipage, turnout, cart, rig, car, wagon. See passage, travel, transportation. 2. (animalor human drawn vehicle) a. carriage, coach, chariot, chaise,… … English dictionary for students
tanker — [taŋ′kər] n. 1. a ship with large tanks in the hull for carrying a cargo of oil or other liquids 2. ☆ a) TANK CAR b) a truck, semitrailer, or trailer with a tank for transporting liquids, as gasoline, or dry commodities in bulk ☆ 3. an aircraft… … English World dictionary
Odometer — An odometer or odograph[1][2] is an instrument that indicates distance traveled by a vehicle, such as a bicycle or automobile. The device may be electronic, mechanical, or a combination of the two. The word derives from the Greek words hodós (… … Wikipedia
truck — Synonyms and related words: DUKW, ESP, Pullman, Pullman car, answer, autotruck, baggage car, baked goods, balance of trade, bargain, barge, barter, big business, bloodmobile, boat, bookmobile, boxcar, bus, business, business dealings, buy and… … Moby Thesaurus