tangency point
Смотреть что такое "tangency point" в других словарях:
tangency point — sąlyčio taškas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. contact point; tacpoint; tangency point vok. Berührungspunkt, m; Kontaktpunkt, m rus. точка касания, f; точка контакта, f; точка соприкосновения, f pranc. point de contact, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
point de contact — sąlyčio taškas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. contact point; tacpoint; tangency point vok. Berührungspunkt, m; Kontaktpunkt, m rus. точка касания, f; точка контакта, f; точка соприкосновения, f pranc. point de contact, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
point of tangency — point of tangency, Geometry. the point where a straight line touches a circle … Useful english dictionary
Point — Point, n. [F. point, and probably also pointe, L. punctum, puncta, fr. pungere, punctum, to prick. See {Pungent}, and cf. {Puncto}, {Puncture}.] 1. That which pricks or pierces; the sharp end of anything, esp. the sharp end of a piercing… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Point lace — Point Point, n. [F. point, and probably also pointe, L. punctum, puncta, fr. pungere, punctum, to prick. See {Pungent}, and cf. {Puncto}, {Puncture}.] 1. That which pricks or pierces; the sharp end of anything, esp. the sharp end of a piercing… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Point net — Point Point, n. [F. point, and probably also pointe, L. punctum, puncta, fr. pungere, punctum, to prick. See {Pungent}, and cf. {Puncto}, {Puncture}.] 1. That which pricks or pierces; the sharp end of anything, esp. the sharp end of a piercing… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Point of concurrence — Point Point, n. [F. point, and probably also pointe, L. punctum, puncta, fr. pungere, punctum, to prick. See {Pungent}, and cf. {Puncto}, {Puncture}.] 1. That which pricks or pierces; the sharp end of anything, esp. the sharp end of a piercing… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Point of contrary flexure — Point Point, n. [F. point, and probably also pointe, L. punctum, puncta, fr. pungere, punctum, to prick. See {Pungent}, and cf. {Puncto}, {Puncture}.] 1. That which pricks or pierces; the sharp end of anything, esp. the sharp end of a piercing… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Point of order — Point Point, n. [F. point, and probably also pointe, L. punctum, puncta, fr. pungere, punctum, to prick. See {Pungent}, and cf. {Puncto}, {Puncture}.] 1. That which pricks or pierces; the sharp end of anything, esp. the sharp end of a piercing… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Point of sight — Point Point, n. [F. point, and probably also pointe, L. punctum, puncta, fr. pungere, punctum, to prick. See {Pungent}, and cf. {Puncto}, {Puncture}.] 1. That which pricks or pierces; the sharp end of anything, esp. the sharp end of a piercing… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Point of view — Point Point, n. [F. point, and probably also pointe, L. punctum, puncta, fr. pungere, punctum, to prick. See {Pungent}, and cf. {Puncto}, {Puncture}.] 1. That which pricks or pierces; the sharp end of anything, esp. the sharp end of a piercing… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English