tamping pick
Смотреть что такое "tamping pick" в других словарях:
tamping pick — noun : a pick built with a wide flat head on one end for driving ballast under railroad ties … Useful english dictionary
tool — Synonyms and related words: Charlie McCarthy, Federal, T square, adz, agency, agent, aid, amanuensis, ancilla, apparatus, apple polisher, appliance, ass licker, auto, autolithograph, avenue, awl, ax, backscratcher, backslapper, baggage agent,… … Moby Thesaurus
buffer — Synonyms and related words: T square, aegis, annul, antacid, antidote, arch dam, arm guard, awl, backstop, bale breaker, bamboo curtain, bank, bar, barrage, barrier, battering ram, bear trap dam, beaver dam, bevel, bevel square, bodkin, boom,… … Moby Thesaurus
lathe — Synonyms and related words: T square, alembic, anvil, awl, bale breaker, bar, battering ram, bevel, bevel square, bodkin, bradawl, buffer, caldron, calipers, cant hook, caulking iron, center punch, crowbar, crucible, dibble, dividers, edger,… … Moby Thesaurus
Glossary of rail terminology — Rail transport Operations Track Maintenance High speed Gauge Stations … Wikipedia
TGV track construction — LGV construction is the process by which the land on which TGV trains are to run is prepared for their use, involving carving the trackbed and laying the track. It is similar to the building of standard railway lines, but there are differences.… … Wikipedia
Pipe tool — A pipe tool is any of a variety of small gadgets designed to aid in packing, smoking, and emptying tobacco pipes. A typical pipe tool consists of a pick, a reamer, and a tamper:*The pick is a narrow rod or pin that can be used to loosen tobacco… … Wikipedia
Gandy dancer — is a slang term for workers who maintained railroads in North America. The term originates from the late nineteenth century. It is often said to derive from the Gandy Manufacturing Company, a Chicago based tool manufacturing company, but several… … Wikipedia