
защищенный от воровства или неумелого обращения

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "tamper-proof" в других словарях:

  • tamper-proof — ˈtamper proof adjective 1. a package or container that is tamper proof is made in a way that prevents people from opening it before it is sold; = TAMPER RESISTANT 2. impossible to change or spoil: • tamper proof bar code labels * * * tamper proof …   Financial and business terms

  • tamper-proof — adj a package or container that is tamper proof is made in a way that prevents someone from opening it before it is sold …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • tamper-proof — tampˈer proof adjective (of locks, etc) that cannot be tampered with • • • Main Entry: ↑tamper * * * ˈtamper proof 7 [tamper proof] adjective something that is tamper proof is specially designed so that it cannot be easily changed or damaged • …   Useful english dictionary

  • tamper-proof — adjective a package or container that is tamper proof is made in a way that prevents someone opening it before it is sold …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • tamper-proof — UK / US adjective if a container has a tamper proof lid or top, it is obvious if someone has opened the container in the shop …   English dictionary

  • tamper-proof container — bandymą atidaryti parodanti talpyklė statusas Aprobuotas sritis farmacija apibrėžtis Uždaryta talpyklė su tam tikru įtaisu, parodančiu, ar talpyklė buvo atidaryta. atitikmenys: angl. tamper proof container pranc. recipient a fermeture inviolable… …   Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)

  • tamper-proof — /ˈtæmpə pruf/ (say tampuh proohf) adjective of or relating to packaging which cannot be tampered with by someone wishing to introduce a foreign substance without such interference being evident …  

  • Tamper resistance — is resistance to by either the normal users of a product, package, or system or others with physical access to it. There are many reasons for employing tamper resistance.Tamper resistance ranges from simple features like screws with special heads …   Wikipedia

  • Tamper-evident — describes a device or process that makes unauthorised access to the protected object easily detected. This may take the form of seals, markings or other techniques.TamperingTampering involves the deliberate altering or adulteration of a product,… …   Wikipedia

  • tamper-resistant — ˈtamper reˌsistant adjective another name for tamper proof * * * tamper resistant UK US adjective ► TAMPER PROOF(Cf. ↑tamper proof) …   Financial and business terms

  • -proof — [[t] pruːf[/t]] proofs, proofing, proofed 1) COMB in ADJ proof combines with nouns and verbs to form adjectives which indicate that something cannot be damaged or badly affected by the thing or action mentioned. ...a bomb proof aircraft... In a… …   English dictionary

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