tame embedding

tame embedding
правильное вложение

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "tame embedding" в других словарях:

  • Knot (mathematics) — A table of all prime knots with seven crossings or fewer (not including mirror images). In mathematics, a knot is an embedding of a circle in 3 dimensional Euclidean space, R3, considered up to continuous deformations (isotopies). A crucial… …   Wikipedia

  • Modular representation theory — is a branch of mathematics, and that part of representation theory that studies linear representations of finite group G over a field K of positive characteristic. As well as having applications to group theory, modular representations arise… …   Wikipedia

  • Small cancellation theory — In the mathematical subject of group theory, small cancellation theory studies groups given by group presentations satisfying small cancellation conditions, that is where defining relations have small overlaps with each other. It turns out that… …   Wikipedia

  • List of knot theory topics — Knot theory is the study of mathematical knots. While inspired by knots which appear in daily life in shoelaces and rope, a mathematician s knot differs in that the ends are joined together so that it cannot be undone. In precise mathematical… …   Wikipedia

  • Wild knot — In the mathematical theory of knots, a knot is tame if it can be thickened up , that is, if there exists an extension to an embedding of the solid torus S 1 times; D 2 into the 3 sphere. A knot is tame if and only it can be represented as a… …   Wikipedia

  • James W. Cannon — (b. January 30, 1943) is an American mathematician working in the areas of low dimensional topology and geometric group theory. He is an Orson Pratt Professor of Mathematics at the Brigham Young University.Biographical dataJames W. Cannon was… …   Wikipedia

  • Knot complement — In mathematics, the knot complement of a tame knot K is the set theoretic complement of the interior of the embedding of a solid torus into the 3 sphere. This solid torus is a thickened neighborhood of K . Note that the knot complement is a… …   Wikipedia

  • Braid group — In mathematics, the braid group on n strands, denoted by B n , is a certain group which has an intuitive geometrical representation, and in a sense generalizes the symmetric group S n . Here, n is a natural number; if n gt; 1, then B n is an… …   Wikipedia

  • ADE classification — The simply laced Dynkin diagrams classify diverse mathematical objects. In mathematics, the ADE classification (originally A D E classifications) is the complete list of simply laced Dynkin diagrams or other mathematical objects satisfying… …   Wikipedia

  • Caught in the Act (The Outer Limits) — Infobox Television episode Title = Caught in the Act Series = The Outer Limits Caption = Season = 1 Episode = 17 Airdate = 1 July, 1995 Production = 17 Writer = Grant Rosenberg Director = Mario Azzopardi Photographer = Guests = Alyssa Milano as… …   Wikipedia

  • Nash-Moser theorem — The Nash Moser theorem, attributed to mathematicians John Forbes Nash and Jurgen Moser is a generalization of the inverse function theorem on Banach spaces to a class of tame Frechet spaces.In contrast to the Banach space case, in which the… …   Wikipedia

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