Смотреть что такое "talmudic" в других словарях:
talmudic — TALMÚDIC, Ă, talmudici, ce, adj. Care ţine de Talmud, privitor la Talmud, conform prescripţiilor acestuia. – Din fr. talmudique. Trimis de LauraGellner, 23.06.2004. Sursa: DEX 98 talmúdic adj. m., pl. talmúdici; f. sg. talmúdică … Dicționar Român
Talmudic — Tal*mud ic, Talmudical Tal*mud ic*al, a. [Cf. F. talmudique.] Of or pertaining to the Talmud; contained in the Talmud; as, Talmudic Greek; Talmudical phrases. Lightfoot. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Talmudic — adj. Talmudic is used with these nouns: ↑law … Collocations dictionary
Talmudic — Talmud ► NOUN ▪ the body of Jewish civil and ceremonial law and legend. DERIVATIVES Talmudic adjective Talmudist noun. ORIGIN Hebrew, instruction … English terms dictionary
Talmudic law — Is the law that is derived from the Talmud based on the teachings of the Talmudic Sages.* See Talmud or Talmudical Hermeneutics for more information.* Or see IAT Law, an Institute which contrasts the American Talmudic law perspective to show… … Wikipedia
Talmudic Academy — can refer to:#The general concept of a yeshiva. #The Talmudic Academies in Babylonia #The Talmudic Academies in the Land of Israel … Wikipedia
Talmudic adage — Talmudic proverb … English contemporary dictionary
Talmudic sage — Talmudic spiritual and philosophical mentor (during the age of Gemara) … English contemporary dictionary
Talmudic Academies in Babylonia — The Talmudic Academies in Babylonia, also known as the Geonic Academies, were the center for Jewish scholarship and the development of Jewish law in Mesopotamia from roughly 589 CE to 1038 CE (Hebrew dates: 4349 AM to 4798 AM). The key work of… … Wikipedia
Talmudic Academies in the Land of Israel — The Talmudic Academies in the Land of Israel were yeshivot that served as centers for Jewish scholarship and the development of Jewish law in the Levant and had a great and lasting impact on the development of world Jewry. According to an oft… … Wikipedia
Talmudic — adjective see Talmud … New Collegiate Dictionary