- talkfest
- (американизм) (разговорное) длинное собрание;
говорильня - futile * бесплодная говорильня - to degenerate into a mere * превратиться в простую говорильню
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
talkfest — UK [ˈtɔːkˌfest] / US [ˈtɔkˌfest] noun [countable] Word forms talkfest : singular talkfest plural talkfests informal an occasion when people talk a lot … English dictionary
talkfest — /tawk fest/, n. a lengthy conversation, discussion, or debate. [1905 10, Amer.; TALK + FEST] * * * … Universalium
talkfest — noun A session of enthusiastic discussion or gossip … Wiktionary
talkfest — talk|fest [ tɔk,fest ] noun count INFORMAL an occasion when people talk a lot … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
talkfest — noun informal, chiefly N. Amer. a lengthy discussion or debate, especially as part of a television chat show … English new terms dictionary
talkfest — /ˈtɔkfɛst/ (say tawkfest) noun Colloquial a prolonged session of conversation or speeches; conference. Also, gabfest. {talk + fest} …
talkfest — ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ noun ( s) Etymology: talk (II) + fest 1. : an informal gathering for general talk or discussion 2. : a protracted discussion or debate of a matter of public concern new talkfests may break out in Congress over the measure to set up a… … Useful english dictionary
-fest — ˌfest noun combining form ( s) Etymology: German fest festival, holiday, from Middle High German vest, from Latin festum, from neuter of festus solemn, festal more at feast 1. : festive gathering especially for competition shootingf … Useful english dictionary
conversation — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Social talk Nouns 1. conversation, interlocution, intercourse; collocution, colloquy, converse, discussion, talkfest; confabulation; talk, discourse, social intercourse; oral communication, communion,… … English dictionary for students
Adelaide Festival of Arts — The Adelaide Festival of Arts is an arts festival held biennially in the South Australian capital of Adelaide. One of the world s greatest celebrations of the arts, it is internationally renowned and the pre eminent cultural event in Australia.… … Wikipedia
LinuxChix — is a women oriented Linux community. It is designed to provide both technical and social support for women Linux users, although there are members of the community who are men. Members of the community are referred to as a Linux chick (singular)… … Wikipedia