talk rot
Смотреть что такое "talk rot" в других словарях:
talk rot — {v. phr.} To say silly things; talk nonsense. * /He s talking rot when he says that our company is almost bankrupt./ … Dictionary of American idioms
talk rot — {v. phr.} To say silly things; talk nonsense. * /He s talking rot when he says that our company is almost bankrupt./ … Dictionary of American idioms
talk\ rot — v. phr. To say silly things; talk nonsense. He s talking rot when he says that our company is almost bankrupt … Словарь американских идиом
rot — ► VERB (rotted, rotting) 1) decompose by the action of bacteria and fungi; decay. 2) gradually deteriorate or decline. ► NOUN 1) the process of decaying. 2) rotten or decayed matter. 3) ( … English terms dictionary
rot — n. 1) black; creeping; dry rot 2) (misc.) to talk rot ( to talk nonsense ) * * * [rɒt] creeping dry rot black (misc.) to talk rot ( to talk nonsense ) … Combinatory dictionary
rot — rot1 [rɔt US ra:t] v past tense and past participle rotted present participle rotting [: Old English; Origin: rotian] 1.) [I and T] to decay by a gradual natural process, or to make something do this ▪ Candy will rot your teeth. ▪ The trees were… … Dictionary of contemporary English
rot — [[t]rɒ̱t[/t]] rots, rotting, rotted 1) V ERG When food, wood, or another substance rots, or when something rots it, it becomes softer and is gradually destroyed. If we don t unload it soon, the grain will start rotting in the silos... [V n]… … English dictionary
rot — 1 verb 1 (I, T) to decay by a gradual natural process, or to make something do this: Sugar rots your teeth. | the stench of rotting eggs 2 rot in jail/prison etc to get into a bad mental or physical condition because you have been forced to stay… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
rot — verb (rots, rotting, rotted) 1》 decompose by the action of bacteria and fungi; decay. 2》 gradually deteriorate or decline. noun 1》 the process of decaying. ↘rotten or decayed matter. 2》 (the rot) Brit. a process of deterioration; a decline in … English new terms dictionary
rot — Noun. Nonsense. E.g. Don t talk rot! What you ve just said is total nonsense … English slang and colloquialisms
talk — [n1] speech, address to group allocution, chalk talk*, declamation, descant, discourse, disquisition, dissertation, epilogue, exhortation, expatiation, harangue, homily, lecture, monologue, oration, peroration, prelection, recitation, screed,… … New thesaurus