Смотреть что такое "talipedic" в других словарях:
talipedic — Clubfooted … Medical dictionary
Talipes — Clubfoot. The Latin word talipes was compounded from talus (ankle) + pes (foot) since, with the common ("classic") type of clubfoot (talipes equinovarus), the foot is turned in sharply and the person seems to be walking on their ankle.… … Medical dictionary
taliped — tal·i·ped (talґĭ ped) 1. talipedic. 2. a person with talipes (clubfoot) … Medical dictionary
bandy — Synonyms and related words: alternate, answer, arched, arciform, arclike, arcual, bandy legged, banter, be quits with, blemished, bloated, bowed, bowlegged, bowlike, change, chuck, club footed, commute, compensate, concave, convex, cooperate,… … Moby Thesaurus
blemished — Synonyms and related words: adulterated, bandy, bandy legged, beautiless, bloated, blotted, bowlegged, cacophonic, cacophonous, checked, cicatrized, club footed, cracked, crazed, damaged, defaced, defective, deficient, deformed, disfigured,… … Moby Thesaurus
bloated — Synonyms and related words: accelerated, adipose, aggrandized, amplified, arrogant, augmented, bagging, baggy, ballooning, bandy, bandy legged, beefed up, beefy, bellying, big bellied, billowing, billowy, blemished, bloated with pride, blown up,… … Moby Thesaurus
bowlegged — Synonyms and related words: bandy, bandy legged, bent, blemished, bloated, bowed, club footed, crooked, curved, defaced, deformed, disfigured, dwarfed, flatfooted, grotesque, ill made, ill proportioned, ill shaped, knock kneed, malformed, marred … Moby Thesaurus
deformed — Synonyms and related words: abnormal, awry, bandy, bandy legged, baroque, bent, bizarre, blemished, bloated, bowlegged, cacogenic, checked, cicatrized, club footed, contorted, cracked, crazed, crippled, crooked, defaced, defective, disfigured,… … Moby Thesaurus
disfigured — Synonyms and related words: bandy, bandy legged, beautiless, blemished, bloated, blotted, bowlegged, cacophonic, cacophonous, checked, cicatrized, club footed, cracked, crazed, damaged, defaced, defective, deformed, distorted, dwarfed,… … Moby Thesaurus
dwarfed — Synonyms and related words: Lenten, Lilliputian, Spartan, Tom Thumb, abstemious, ascetic, austere, bandy, bandy legged, blemished, bloated, bowlegged, club footed, defaced, deformed, disfigured, dumpy, dwarf, dwarfish, elfin, exiguous, flatfooted … Moby Thesaurus
grotesque — Synonyms and related words: Gothic, aberrant, abnormal, absurd, anomalous, antic, art object, bandy, bandy legged, baroque, beyond belief, bizarre, blemished, bloated, bowlegged, brain born, brainchild, bric a brac, cacogenic, classic, club… … Moby Thesaurus