Смотреть что такое "talesmen" в других словарях:
talesmen — index jury Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
talesmen — Jurors. sometimes called tales jurors, returned, often from bystanders, to complete a jury panel when because of challenge or other cause, there is not a petit jury to determine a civil or criminal case. 31 Am J Rev ed Jury § 3. In occasional… … Ballentine's law dictionary
Talesmen — Talesman Tales man, n.; pl. {Talesmen}. (Law) A person called to make up a deficiency in the number of jurors when a tales is awarded. Wharton. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
talesmen — ta·les·man || teɪlzmÉ™n / lɪËz n. replacement juror (Law) … English contemporary dictionary
tales-juror — Same as talesmen. See talesmen … Ballentine's law dictionary
Talesman — Tales man, n.; pl. {Talesmen}. (Law) A person called to make up a deficiency in the number of jurors when a tales is awarded. Wharton. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
talesman — noun Etymology: Middle English tales talesmen, from Medieval Latin tales de circumstantibus such (persons) of the bystanders; from the wording of the writ summoning them Date: 1679 1. a person added to a jury usually from among bystanders to make … New Collegiate Dictionary
Murder, Inc. — For other uses, see Murder, Inc. (disambiguation). Murder, Inc. (or Murder Incorporated or the Brownsville Boys; known in syndicate circles as The Combination) was the name given by the press to organized crime groups in the 1920s through the… … Wikipedia
Murder, Inc. trials — This article details the results of the criminal trials of various associates of Murder, Inc. Harry Maione and Frank Abbandando Harry Maione and Frank Abbandando were the first members of the Brooklyn Combination to be put on trial for murder. In … Wikipedia
talesman — /taylz meuhn, tay leez meuhn/, n., pl. talesmen. a person summoned as one of the tales. [1670 80; TALES + MAN1] * * * … Universalium
jury — ju·ry / ju̇r ē/ n pl ju·ries [Anglo French juree, from feminine past participle of Old French jurer to swear, from Latin jurare, from jur jus law]: a body of individuals sworn to give a decision on some matter submitted to them; esp: a body of… … Law dictionary