take-off path

take-off path
траектория взлета

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "take-off path" в других словарях:

  • Net Take-Off Flight Path — The Net Take Off Flight Path (NTOFP) is the vertical profile the aircraft, follows after the critical engine failure. The NTOFP is determined from data in the Aeroplane Flight Manual (AFM) and it extends from the screen height of 35 ft to… …   Wikipedia

  • Rostovian take-off model — The Rostovian take off model (also called Rostow s Stages of Growth ) is one of the major historical models of economic growth. It was developed by W. W. Rostow. The model postulates that economic modernization occurs in five basic stages, of… …   Wikipedia

  • take — [tāk] vt. took, taken, taking [ME taken < OE tacan < ON taka < ? IE base * dēg , to lay hold of] I to get possession of by force or skill; seize, grasp, catch, capture, win, etc. 1. to get by conquering; capture; seize 2. to trap, snare …   English World dictionary

  • take — takable, takeable, adj. taker, n. /tayk/, v., took, taken, taking, n. v.t. 1. to get into one s hold or possession by voluntary action: to take a cigarette out of a box; to take a pen and begin to write. 2. to hold, grasp, or grip: to take a book …   Universalium

  • take — take1 [ teık ] (past tense took [ tuk ] ; past participle tak|en [ teıkən ] ) verb *** ▸ 1 move something/someone ▸ 2 cause someone/something to move ▸ 3 perform action ▸ 4 need something ▸ 5 accept ▸ 6 win prize/election ▸ 7 reach out and get ▸… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • take — [[t]teɪk[/t]] v. took, tak•en, tak•ing, n. 1) to get into one s hands or possession by voluntary action: Take the book, please[/ex] 2) to hold, grasp, or grip: to take a child by the hand[/ex] 3) to get into one s possession or control by force… …   From formal English to slang

  • take — I [[t]te͟ɪk[/t]] USED WITH NOUNS DESCRIBING ACTIONS ♦ takes, taking, took, taken (Take is used in combination with a wide range of nouns, where the meaning of the combination is mostly given by the noun. Many of these combinations are common… …   English dictionary

  • take — I UK [teɪk] / US verb Word forms take : present tense I/you/we/they take he/she/it takes present participle taking past tense took UK [tʊk] / US past participle taken UK [ˈteɪkən] / US *** 1) [transitive] to move something or someone from one… …   English dictionary

  • Take a Look in the Mirror — Studio album by Korn Released November 21, 2003 …   Wikipedia

  • Take a Look in the Mirror — Take A Look In The Mirror …   Википедия

  • Take a Look in the Mirror — Album par Korn Sortie 21 novembre 2003 Durée 56:43 Genre Nu metal Metal alternatif Producteur Jonathan Dav …   Wikipédia en Français

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