take vengeance
Смотреть что такое "take vengeance" в других словарях:
take vengeance — index retaliate Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
take vengeance on — index punish Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
take vengeance upon — revenge, make retaliation for … English contemporary dictionary
VENGEANCE — (Heb. nekamah, nekimah), inflicting punishment on another in return for an offense or injury, or the withholding of benefits and kindness from another for the same reason. The Bible distinguishes between vengeance that is proper and vengeance… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
vengeance — n. 1) to exact, take, wreak vengeance on, upon 2) to vow vengeance 3) to seek vengeance for 4) vengeance for (to take vengeance on smb. for smt.) 5) (misc.) with a vengeance ( to an extreme degree ) (it started snowing with a vengeance) * * * [… … Combinatory dictionary
vengeance — ven|geance [ vendʒəns ] noun uncount the act of harming or killing someone because they have done something bad to you: REVENGE: Both sides were locked in a cycle of violence and vengeance. take/wreak/inflict vengeance on someone: He was… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
vengeance — UK [ˈvendʒ(ə)ns] / US [ˈvendʒəns] noun [uncountable] the act of harming or killing someone because they have done something bad to you Both sides were locked in a cycle of violence and vengeance. take/wreak/inflict vengeance on someone: He was… … English dictionary
Vengeance — war eine niederländische Rock Band um Sänger Leon Geowie, die 1982 gegründet wurde. Sie zeichnete sich vor allem durch eine sehr positive Lebenseinstellung aus. 1984 wurde Vengeance von Derk Joling, dem damaligen A R Manager von CBS Records, bei… … Deutsch Wikipedia
vengeance — c.1300, from Anglo Fr. vengeaunce, O.Fr. vengeance revenge, from vengier take revenge, from L. vindicare to set free, claim, avenge (see VINDICATE (Cf. vindicate)). Vengeance is mine, ... saith the Lord. Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; … Etymology dictionary
Vengeance (2005) — Infobox Wrestling event name=Vengeance (2005) theme= Happy? by Mudvayne. [cite web|url=http://www.100megsfree4.com/wiawrestling/pages/wwf/wwfother.htm|title = Other WWF Information|publisher=Wrestling Information Archive|accessdate=2008 02 26]… … Wikipedia
Vengeance (comics) — Superherobox caption=Vengeance on the cover to Ghost Rider (vol. 2) #46 (Feb, 1994). Pencils by Ron Garney, inks by Christopher Ivy. character name=Vengeance real name=Michael Badilino publisher=Marvel Comics debut= creators= alliances= NYPD… … Wikipedia