take up an option
Смотреть что такое "take up an option" в других словарях:
take up an option — index choose Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
option — [[t]ɒ̱pʃ(ə)n[/t]] ♦♦ options 1) N COUNT An option is something that you can choose to do in preference to one or more alternatives. He s argued from the start that America and its allies are putting too much emphasis on the military option...… … English dictionary
option — / ɒpʃən/ noun the opportunity to buy or sell something within a fixed period of time at a fixed price ♦ to grant someone a six month option on a product to allow someone six months to decide if they want to manufacture the product ♦ to take up an … Dictionary of banking and finance
option — The right to buy or sell a fixed quantity of a commodity, currency, security, etc., at a particular date at a particular price (the exercise price). Unlike futures, the purchaser of an option is not obliged to buy or sell at the exercise price… … Accounting dictionary
option — The right to buy or sell a fixed quantity of a commodity, currency, security, etc. , at a particular date at a particular price (the exercise price). Unlike futures, the purchaser of an option is not obliged to buy or sell at the exercise price… … Big dictionary of business and management
option — / ɒpʃən/ noun the opportunity to buy or sell something within a fixed period of time at a fixed price ♦ to have first option on something to have the right to be the first to have the possibility of deciding something ♦ to grant someone a six… … Marketing dictionary in english
take up — /ˌteɪk ʌp/ verb ♦ to take up an option to accept an option which has been offered and put into action … Dictionary of banking and finance
option — op·tion 1 / äp shən/ n 1: the power or right to choose; also: a choice made or available 2: a privilege of demanding fulfillment of a contract on any day within a specified time 3: a contract conveying in exchange for the payment of a premium a… … Law dictionary
Option-adjusted spread — (OAS) is the flat spread which has to be added to the treasury yield curve in a pricing model (that accounts for embedded options) to discount a security payment to match its market price. OAS is hence model dependent. This concept can be applied … Wikipedia
Option adjusted spread — (OAS) is the flat spread over the treasury yield curve required to discount a security payment to match its market price. This concept can be applied to mortgage backed security (MBS), Options, Bonds and any other interest rate… … Wikipedia
take — vb took, tak·en, tak·ing vt 1 a: to obtain control, custody, or possession of often by assertive or intentional means b: to seize or interfere with the use of (property) by governmental authority; specif: to acquire title to for public use by… … Law dictionary