take up a problem
Смотреть что такое "take up a problem" в других словарях:
take up — verb Date: 14th century transitive verb 1. pick up, lift < took up the carpet > 2. a. to begin to occupy (land) b. to gather from a number of sources < took up a collection > 3 … New Collegiate Dictionary
Problem-based learning — (PBL) is a student centered instructional strategy in which students collaboratively solve problems and reflect on their experiences. It was pioneered and used extensively at McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Characteristics of PBL… … Wikipedia
take something on board — phrase to consider an idea, problem, or situation and try to deal with it The committee will certainly take your opinions on board before making a decision. Thesaurus: to try to deal with a problem or difficultysynonym Main entry: board * * *… … Useful english dictionary
Take a Look in the Mirror — Studio album by Korn Released November 21, 2003 … Wikipedia
Take a Look in the Mirror — Take A Look In The Mirror … Википедия
take the bull by the horns — {v. phr.}, {informal} To take definite action and not care about risks; act bravely in a difficulty. * /He decided to take the bull by the horns and demand a raise in salary even though it might cost him his job./ Compare: TAKE THE BIT IN ONE S… … Dictionary of American idioms
take the bull by the horns — {v. phr.}, {informal} To take definite action and not care about risks; act bravely in a difficulty. * /He decided to take the bull by the horns and demand a raise in salary even though it might cost him his job./ Compare: TAKE THE BIT IN ONE S… … Dictionary of American idioms
take someone's or something's place — (or take the place of (someone or something)) : to replace someone or something Who will take the king s place when he dies? We solved the original problem, but now a new one has taken its place. I was too busy to attend the meeting, so I had my… … Useful english dictionary
take a hit — ► to be badly affected by a difficult situation or problem: »Consumer spending accounts for more than two thirds of the nation s economic activity, so when consumers take a hit, so does the economy. ► to have to pay an unusual cost: »The company… … Financial and business terms
take issue with someone — take issue with (someone) to disagree with someone or something. I take issue with people who say it is unpatriotic to criticize our government. Thorogood took issue with the story that he had a drinking problem, calling it a nasty rumor … New idioms dictionary
take issue with — (someone) to disagree with someone or something. I take issue with people who say it is unpatriotic to criticize our government. Thorogood took issue with the story that he had a drinking problem, calling it a nasty rumor … New idioms dictionary