- take to smb.
- полюбить кого-л., почувствовать симпатию I took to him at once. ≈ Он мне сразу понравился.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
take to smb. — • take a fancy to/for smb • take a liking to smb • take to smb (from Idioms in Speech) (smb) to like (often followed by immediately). I met this young man in the train just now, and I ve taken a fancy to him already. Mr. Short himself had taken a … Idioms and examples
take a fancy for — • take a fancy to/for smb • take a liking to smb • take to smb (from Idioms in Speech) (smb) to like (often followed by immediately). I met this young man in the train just now, and I ve taken a fancy to him already. Mr. Short himself had taken a … Idioms and examples
take a fancy to — • take a fancy to/for smb • take a liking to smb • take to smb (from Idioms in Speech) (smb) to like (often followed by immediately). I met this young man in the train just now, and I ve taken a fancy to him already. Mr. Short himself had taken a … Idioms and examples
take a liking to — • take a fancy to/for smb • take a liking to smb • take to smb (from Idioms in Speech) (smb) to like (often followed by immediately). I met this young man in the train just now, and I ve taken a fancy to him already. Mr. Short himself had taken a … Idioms and examples
Smb. needs to take a cut lunch and a waterbottle — smb. has a long trip ahead of him … Dictionary of Australian slang
take under one's wing — (smb) protect someone He has taken the new employee under his wing and is teaching him about the company … Idioms and examples
take — I n. (colloq.) reaction 1) a double take ( delayed reaction ) (to do a double take) illegal payments 2) on the take (they were all on the take) ( they were all accepting bribes ) II v. 1) to take (a matter) lightly; seriously 2) (A) ( to carry )… … Combinatory dictionary
take out — v. 1) (d; tr.) to take out on (don t take your anger out on me) 2) (misc.) to take it out on smb. ( to make smb. else suffer for one s own problem ) * * * [ teɪk aʊt] (misc.) to take out it out on smb. ( to make smb. else suffer for one s own… … Combinatory dictionary
take to the cleaners — 1) win all someone s money He went to Las Vegas and was taken to the cleaners by the card dealers. 2) (smb) take all of someone s money or cheat someone He was taken to the cleaners when he decided to buy the series of books from the salesman.… … Idioms and examples
take\ a\ fancy\ to — v. phr. (smb) To become fond of (smb); cultivate a predilection for (smb). Aunt Hermione has taken a fancy to antique furniture … Словарь американских идиом
smb. needs to take a cut lunch and a waterbottle — Australian Slang smb. has a long trip ahead of him … English dialects glossary