take the liberty to
Смотреть что такое "take the liberty to" в других словарях:
take the liberty of — ◇ If you take the liberty of doing something, you do something without asking for permission to do it. I took the liberty of making a reservation for us. I took the liberty of telling them you weren t interested. • • • Main Entry: ↑liberty … Useful english dictionary
take the liberty — To venture or presume • • • Main Entry: ↑liberty * * * venture to do something without first asking permission I have taken the liberty of submitting an idea to several of their research departments … Useful english dictionary
take the liberty of — (doing something) formal to do something that will have an effect on someone else without asking their permission. I took the liberty of reserving us two seats at the conference. I hope that s all right by you. (usually in past tenses) … New idioms dictionary
take the liberty — ► take the liberty do something without first asking permission. Main Entry: ↑liberty … English terms dictionary
take the liberty — may I take the liberty to order champagne? Syn: presume, venture, be so bold as … Thesaurus of popular words
take the liberty of doing something — take the liberty of (doing something) formal to do something that will have an effect on someone else without asking their permission. I took the liberty of reserving us two seats at the conference. I hope that s all right by you. (usually in… … New idioms dictionary
take the liberty — verb To act on ones own authority. I took the liberty of adding your name to the list … Wiktionary
take the liberty — venture to do something without first asking permission. → liberty … English new terms dictionary
take the liberty — allow oneself to, feel free to … English contemporary dictionary
take the liberty to — feel free (to do something), allow oneself … English contemporary dictionary
The Liberty Cup — is awarded annually to the winner of the college football game between Columbia University and Fordham University, the two National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Football Championship Subdivision football programs in New York City. The… … Wikipedia