take lightly

take lightly
не принимать всерьез

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "take lightly" в других словарях:

  • take lightly — verb To approach a task casually …   Wiktionary

  • lightly — light|ly [ˈlaıtli] adv 1.) with only a small amount of weight or force = ↑gently ▪ I knocked lightly on the door. 2.) using or having only a small amount of something ▪ a lightly greased pan ▪ lightly armed soldiers 3.) take/treat/approach sth… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • lightly — adverb 1 with only a small amount of weight or force; gently: Martin kissed his bride lightly on the cheek. 2 using or having only a small amount of something: Rub a casserole lightly with olive oil. | lightly armed soldiers 3 without worrying,… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • take — 1 /teIk/ verb past tense took past participle taken MOVE STH 1 (T) to move someone or something from one place to another: Don t forget to take your bag when you go. | Paul doesn t know the way can you take him? | take sb/sth to: We take the kids …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • lightly — adv. in a light (esp. frivolous or unserious) manner. Phrases and idioms: get off lightly escape with little or no punishment. take lightly not be serious about (a thing) …   Useful english dictionary

  • Take Love Easy — Студийный альбом Эл …   Википедия

  • take a name in vain — To use a name lightly or profanely • • • Main Entry: ↑name …   Useful english dictionary

  • take — I n. (colloq.) reaction 1) a double take ( delayed reaction ) (to do a double take) illegal payments 2) on the take (they were all on the take) ( they were all accepting bribes ) II v. 1) to take (a matter) lightly; seriously 2) (A) ( to carry )… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • lightly — /luyt lee/, adv. 1. with little weight, force, intensity, etc.; gently: to press lightly on a door bell. 2. to only a small amount or degree; slightly: lightly fried eggs. 3. nimbly; quickly: to leap lightly aside. 4. with a lack of concern;… …   Universalium

  • lightly — /ˈlaɪtli/ (say luytlee) adverb 1. with little weight, force, intensity, etc.: to press lightly on a bell. 2. to only a small amount or degree. 3. easily; without trouble or effort: lightly come, lightly go. 4. cheerfully: to take the news lightly …  

  • lightly — light•ly [[t]ˈlaɪt li[/t]] adv. 1) with little weight, force, intensity, etc.; gently 2) to only a small amount or degree; slightly: lightly fried eggs[/ex] 3) nimbly; quickly 4) with a lack of concern; indifferently 5) cheerfully; without… …   From formal English to slang

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