take kindly

take kindly
благожелательно отнестись He took kindly to the young author. ≈ Он принял участие в начинающем писателе.

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "take kindly" в других словарях:

  • take kindly to — (something) to willingly accept a particular behavior or activity. Americans don t take kindly to being told what to say. I don t think the state would take kindly to the mental health system being taken over by a judge. In general, Renee doesn t …   New idioms dictionary

  • take kindly — ► take kindly like or be pleased by. Main Entry: ↑kindly …   English terms dictionary

  • take kindly to — verb be willing or inclined to accept (Freq. 1) He did not take kindly to my critical remarks • Hypernyms: ↑tend, ↑be given, ↑lean, ↑incline, ↑run • Verb Frames …   Useful english dictionary

  • take kindly to — (not) take kindly to (something) to not like something that someone says or does. Be careful what you say to Mike he doesn t take kindly to criticism. I didn t take kindly to being thrown out of the team …   New idioms dictionary

  • take kindly to — {v.} To be pleased by; like. Usually used in negative, interrogative, and conditional sentences. * /He doesn t take kindly to any suggestions about running his business./ * /Will your father take kindly to the idea of your leaving college?/ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • take kindly to — {v.} To be pleased by; like. Usually used in negative, interrogative, and conditional sentences. * /He doesn t take kindly to any suggestions about running his business./ * /Will your father take kindly to the idea of your leaving college?/ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • take\ kindly\ to — v To be pleased by; like. Usually used in negative, interrogative, and conditional sentences. He doesn t take kindly to any suggestions about running his business. Will your father take kindly to the idea of your leaving college? …   Словарь американских идиом

  • take kindly — verb to accept or condone We dont take kindly to your type around here …   Wiktionary

  • take kindly to — be pleased by, like He doesn t take kindly to people telling him how to run his business …   Idioms and examples

  • take kindly to something — take kindly to (something) to willingly accept a particular behavior or activity. Americans don t take kindly to being told what to say. I don t think the state would take kindly to the mental health system being taken over by a judge. In general …   New idioms dictionary

  • take kindly to something — (not) take kindly to (something) to not like something that someone says or does. Be careful what you say to Mike he doesn t take kindly to criticism. I didn t take kindly to being thrown out of the team …   New idioms dictionary

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