take interest in

take interest in
интересоваться кем-л., чем-л., проявлять интерес к кому-л., чему-л.

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "take interest in" в других словарях:

  • Take Ionescu — Prime Minister of Romania In office December 18, 1921 – January 19, 1922 Monarch Ferdinand I of Romania Preceded by …   Wikipedia

  • interest — in·ter·est / in trəst; in tə rəst, ˌrest/ n [probably alteration of earlier interesse, from Anglo French, from Medieval Latin, from Latin, to be between, make a difference, concern, from inter between, among + esse to be] 1: a right, title, claim …   Law dictionary

  • Take — Take, v. t. [imp. {Took} (t[oo^]k); p. p. {Taken} (t[=a]k n); p. pr. & vb. n. {Taking}.] [Icel. taka; akin to Sw. taga, Dan. tage, Goth. t[=e]kan to touch; of uncertain origin.] 1. In an active sense; To lay hold of; to seize with the hands, or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • interest-rate risk — interest rate exposure The risk arising from changes in interest rates. In recent decades the different forms of interest rate risk have been the subject of much analysis, monitoring, and scrutiny. In the 1980s, for example, the savings and loan… …   Accounting dictionary

  • interest-rate risk — interest rate exposure The risk arising from changes in interest rates. In recent decades the different forms of interest rate risk have been the subject of much analysis, monitoring, and scrutiny. In the 1980s, for example, the savings and loan… …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • Interest on Lawyer Trust Accounts — (IOLTA) is a type of program in which interest earned from money held in a lawyer trust accounts is aggregated and required to paid to another state agency, subsidizing legal services for those who cannot afford them.HistoryThe practice is that a …   Wikipedia

  • interest — [in′trist, in′trəst, in′tər ist; ] also, esp. for v. [, in′tər est΄, in′trest΄] n. [ME interesse < ML usury, compensation (in L, to be between, be different, interest < inter , between + esse, to be: see IS1): altered, infl. by OFr interest …   English World dictionary

  • take — vb took, tak·en, tak·ing vt 1 a: to obtain control, custody, or possession of often by assertive or intentional means b: to seize or interfere with the use of (property) by governmental authority; specif: to acquire title to for public use by… …   Law dictionary

  • Take It From Here — (often referred to as TIFH , pronounced mdash; and sometimes humorously spelt mdash; TIFE ) was a British radio comedy programme broadcast by the BBC between 1948 and 1960. It was written by Frank Muir and Denis Norden, and starred Jimmy Edwards …   Wikipedia

  • interest rate cap — Under a cap arrangement, the seller of the cap will make payments to the buyer if interest rates rise above an agreed rate. The payment to be made is calculated by reference to a notional principal sum over an agreed term. In return, the buyer… …   Law dictionary

  • interest rate floor — The opposite of an interest rate cap. An arrangement under which the seller, in return for a premium, will pay to the buyer the difference between the specified floor rate and the lower variable rate, should the variable rate fall below that… …   Law dictionary

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