take in pledge
Смотреть что такое "take in pledge" в других словарях:
take the pledge — {v. phr.} To swear to give up drinking, smoking, or using drugs. * /Gary finally took the pledge and he has kept it thus far./ … Dictionary of American idioms
take the pledge — {v. phr.} To swear to give up drinking, smoking, or using drugs. * /Gary finally took the pledge and he has kept it thus far./ … Dictionary of American idioms
take the pledge — tv. to promise to abstain from beverage alcohol. □ I’m not ready to take the pledge yet, but I will cut down. □ My aunt tried to get me to take the pledge … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
take the pledge — sign/take the pledge humorous to decide that you are never going to drink alcohol again. Why are you drinking Coke? Have you signed the pledge or something? … New idioms dictionary
take the pledge — sign/take the ˈpledge idiom (old fashioned) to make a promise never to drink alcohol Main entry: ↑pledgeidiom … Useful english dictionary
take the pledge — take an oath, swear, promise … English contemporary dictionary
take\ the\ pledge — v. phr. To swear to give up drinking, smoking, or using drugs. Gary finally took the pledge and he has kept it thus far … Словарь американских идиом
take the pledge — see pledge … How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms
take the pledge — idi to make a vow to abstain from intoxicating drink … From formal English to slang
pledge — [plej] n. [ME plegge < OFr pleige < ML plegium < plevium, security, warranty, infl. by Frank * pligi, liability; akin to OS plegan, to warrant] 1. the condition of being given or held as security for a contract, payment, etc. [a thing… … English World dictionary
PLEDGE — The Concept In Jewish law, in addition to the personal right of action against the debtor, the creditor also has a right of lien on the latter s property. This lien automatically comes into being when the debt is created and is termed aḥarayut… … Encyclopedia of Judaism