take back

take back

1) отводить;
относить Syn : bring back
1) , get back
1) , place back, put back
2) брать обратно take back one's wordsбрать свои слова обратно
3) напоминать (прошлое) to take smb. back to the time of his childhood ≈ напоминать кому-л. детство
4) повторять Let's take that scene back to the beginning and get it right this time. ≈ Давай прогоним еще раз сцену с самого начала и до этого места.
5) отдавать, возвращать (деньги, залог и т.п.) The seller will take back the mortgage. ≈ Продавец вернет по закладным. отводить;
относить - he was taken back to his cell его отвели назад в камеру - the boatman will take us back лодочник перевезет нас обратно брать обратно - when he returned he was taken back to the office когда он вернулся, его снова взяли /приняли на работу/ в контору - to * one's words /what one said/ брать свои слова обратно напоминать (прошлое) - to take smb. back to the time of his childhood напоминать кому-л. детство - our meeting takes me back so наша встреча так напоминает мне былое

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "take back" в других словарях:

  • Take Back — Single par Kumi Kōda extrait de l’album Affection Face A TAKE BACK (original mix) Face B Your Song (original mix) Sortie 6 décembre 2000 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • take back — [v] retract abjure, back down, backpedal, call off, cancel, change one’s mind, eat one’s words*, forget it, go back on, have change of heart*, recall, recant, reclaim, renege, repeal, repossess, repudiate, rescind, revoke, withdraw; concepts… …   New thesaurus

  • take back — index adeem, bear false witness, disavow, disclaim, recall (call back), recant, recoup (regain) …   Law dictionary

  • take back — ► take back retract (a statement). Main Entry: ↑take …   English terms dictionary

  • Take Back — Infobox Single Name = Take Back Artist = Kumi Koda/Koda from Album = affection Released = flagicon|JPN December 6, 2000 flagicon|USA May 12, 2001 Format = CD Genre = JPop Length = N/A Label = Sounday 75766 70486 2 2 (U.S., CD) 75766 70486 1 5… …   Wikipedia

  • take back — verb 1. bring back to the point of departure (Freq. 5) • Syn: ↑return, ↑bring back • Derivationally related forms: ↑return (for: ↑return) • H …   Useful english dictionary

  • take back — 1) PHRASAL VERB If you take something back, you return it to the place where you bought it or where you borrowed it from, because it is unsuitable or broken, or because you have finished with it. [V n P] If I buy something and he doesn t like it… …   English dictionary

  • take back — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms take back : present tense I/you/we/they take back he/she/it takes back present participle taking back past tense took back past participle taken back 1) to take something that you have bought back to the shops …   English dictionary

  • take back — v. 1) (D; tr.) ( to accept ) to take back from (they took the furniture back from the customer) 2) (D; tr.) ( to return ) to take back to (she took the book back to the library) * * * [ teɪk bæk] (D; tr.) ( to return ) to take back to (she took… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • take back — {v.} To change or deny something offered, promised, or stated; admit to making a wrong statement. * /I take back my offer to buy the house now that I ve had a good look at it./ * /I want you to take back the unkind things you said about Kenneth./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • take back — {v.} To change or deny something offered, promised, or stated; admit to making a wrong statement. * /I take back my offer to buy the house now that I ve had a good look at it./ * /I want you to take back the unkind things you said about Kenneth./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

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