take a turn to the worse
Смотреть что такое "take a turn to the worse" в других словарях:
take a turn for the worse — See: FOR THE WORSE. Contrast: TAKE A TURN FOR THE BETTER … Dictionary of American idioms
take a turn for the worse — See: FOR THE WORSE. Contrast: TAKE A TURN FOR THE BETTER … Dictionary of American idioms
take a turn for the worse — if a situation or an ill person takes a turn for the worse, they become worse or more ill. Their relationship took a turn for the worse when he lost his job … New idioms dictionary
take a turn for the worse — If a person who is ill takes a turn for the worse, their illness becomes more serious. We hoped he would recover but he took a turn for the worse during the night … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
take\ a\ turn\ for\ the\ worse — See: for the worse Contrast: take a turn for the better … Словарь американских идиом
take a turn for the worse — even the doctors were surprised when Richie took a turn for the worse Syn: deteriorate, worsen, decline; informal go downhill … Thesaurus of popular words
take a turn for the worse — DETERIORATE, worsen, decline, go downhill. → turn … Useful english dictionary
turn\ for\ the\ worse — • for the worse • turn for the worse adj. phr. or adv. phr. For something that is worse or not as good, with a worse result. He bought a new car but it turned out to be for the worse. The sick man s condition changed for the worse. Compare: take… … Словарь американских идиом
take a turn — {v. phr.} To become different; change. * /Mary s fever suddenly took a bad turn./ * /The story took an odd turn./ Often used with for the better or for the worse . * /In the afternoon the weather took a turn for the better./ * /Suddenly the… … Dictionary of American idioms
take a turn — {v. phr.} To become different; change. * /Mary s fever suddenly took a bad turn./ * /The story took an odd turn./ Often used with for the better or for the worse . * /In the afternoon the weather took a turn for the better./ * /Suddenly the… … Dictionary of American idioms
take\ a\ turn — v. phr. To become different; change. Mary s fever suddenly took a bad turn. The story took an odd turn. Often used with for the better or for the worse . In the afternoon the weather took a turn for the better. Suddenly the battle took a turn for … Словарь американских идиом